to the Department of Mines and Petroleum’s (DMP) first Environment eNewsletter for 2017.
In this edition, DMP launches its Programme of Work (POW) training sessions for the new online spatial lodgement system. PoW applications will continue to be accessed through the Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System (EARS) platform, however, during log-in the old form will be replaced by an updated map-based application. This allows users to enter their proposed activities, either by loading a spatial file or digitising on screen. The training sessions are free but you will need to book, additional sessions have already been scheduled.
Nominations for the department’s Awards for Excellence are now open. The event brings together the prestigious Golden Gecko Environmental Excellence Award, the Community Partnership Resources Sector Award, and for the first time, the Safety and Health Resources Sector Awards. The Golden Gecko Award recognises best practice and innovative environmental projects in the resources sector. Check out the story for the eligibilty criteria for this important and pretigious award.
Dr Phil Gorey
Executive Director Environment
for the 2017 Golden Gecko Awards for Environmental Excellence are now open until 5pm, Monday, 10 April 2017. The award recognises best practice and innovative environmental projects in the resources sector.
The Golden Gecko is awarded to a project that is outstanding in regards to commitment to environmental excellence, has demonstrated excellent environmental outcomes, community engagement and innovation, or sets a new industry standard.
To be
eligible for the award the project must be based in Western Australia, including State waters but not Commonwealth waters, and must be related to environmental management within the mineral or petroleum industries.
The Golden Gecko winner(s) will be announced at the Department of Mines and Petroleum’s prestigious annual Awards for Excellence night in October, which also incorporates the ‘Community Partnership Award’ and DMP's new ‘Safety and Health Award’.
Last year there were two worthy recipients. APA Group and Kingfisher Environmental Consulting were recognised for a program that monitored the Sandhill Dunnart, an endangered small marsupial. Strike Drilling Pty Ltd was awarded a Golden Gecko for developing a drill rig that significantly reduced environmental impacts. A Certificate of Merit was also awarded to Roy Hill Infrastructure Pty Ltd for their project ‘Going above and beyond to minimise impact to mangroves in Port Hedland’.
How to enter
Entry forms and details of how to enter the 2017 Golden Gecko Awards are available on the Golden Gecko webpage.
If you have any further queries please contact Golden Gecko Co-ordinator, Jessica Allen.
Phone: (08) 9222 3102
Email: golden.gecko@dmp.wa.gov.au
training sessions for a new online spatial lodgement system for Programme of Work (PoW) applications began in February.
PoW applications will continue to be accessed through the current EARS Online facility. However, during log-in, the applicant will have the option of applying with either a PoW Spatial or a PoW Exploration electronic form.
The old and new electronic forms will run in parallel for several months, to allow tenement holders the opportunity to complete the training and become familiar with spatial lodgement.
The updated map-based application allows users to enter their proposed activities, either by loading existing spatial files or creating spatial files on screen. The system then conducts automatic checks by intersecting the proposed activities with other data layers of environmental and cultural significance, alerting the user of the results. Any areas which need follow-up or clarification can then be addressed before the application is submitted. This will improve application quality and reduce assessment times.
Once the scheduled training sessions are complete, spatial lodgement will become mandatory for exploration activities, with the exception of Programme of Work Prospecting forms which will continue to be accepted in hard copy and online using DMP Submissions.
Book your training session
The Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) is running multiple training sessions in computer equipped training rooms. Each training session runs for 1.5hrs with 15 spaces available each session.
Training will be held in Perth and Kalgoorlie on the following dates:
Tuesday 21 February | Tuesday 21 March |
Tuesday 14 March | Tuesday 11 April |
Tuesday 4 April | Tuesday 23 May |
Tuesday 9 May | |
Tuesday 13 June |
To register for one of the training sessions and for any further details please email PoWSpatial@dmp.wa.gov.au
Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) adopted a Transparency Policy which ensures its regulatory, decision making and investment attraction processes are publicly available for the benefit of the people of Western Australia.
The department’s aim is to keep stakeholders informed of issues that affect them by providing transparent, timely, consistent and accessible information. DMP’s guiding principle is that if there is no legal reason to protect information, it should be open to public access.
New ‘Approved Mine Closure Plans’ webpage
To improve transparency in keeping with DMP’s Transparency Policy objectives, a new webpage providing links to Approved Mine Closure Plans has been added to the Environment Division’s Publicly Available Information webpage where the majority of submissions and permits granted by the Environment Division can be accessed by the public.
Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) (FOI Act) gives every person the right to seek access to documents held by government agencies. Documents may comprise written material, diaries, emails, plans, drawings, photographs, electronic images, film or any information stored in electronic format.
It is the aim of DMP to make documents available as soon as possible and at the least possible cost. Whenever possible, documents will be provided outside of the FOI process. The agency is, however, mindful of the public interest in the proper functioning of Government, confidentiality, and the rights of third parties in relation to personal and business/commercial information.
For further information, see the department’s Freedom of Information Statement 2016-2017.
The Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) has successfully concluded its process for seeking stakeholder feedback on a draft ‘Partnership Guideline’ developed to support its Abandoned Mines Program.
The draft guideline follows the release of the Abandoned Mines Policy in January 2016 and supports one of the policy's key principles, which is to encourage partnerships with government bodies, community groups and businesses.
The guideline received feedback from a number of stakeholders. DMP has reviewed and responded to the various elements of feedback received in the formalised response, Stakeholder Feedback on Partnership Guidelines, Abandoned Mines Program – March 2017.
Strong partnerships are critical for the rehabilitation of abandoned mine sites and contribute to the agreement of an end-land use, successful rehabilitation and closure of abandoned mines.
DMP wishes to thank all stakeholders that took the time to review the guideline and also provide feedback. Stakeholder engagement remains one of the department's top priorities and we welcome any feedback that stakeholders wish to provide.
View the final version of the Abandoned Mines Program Partnership Guideline – February 2017 online.
Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) has received several proposals submitted under the new Guideline for Mining Proposals in Western Australia – April 2016, some of which have now been approved.
To support the new 2016 Guideline, which became compulsory on 1 January 2017, DMP has developed new internal templates for reviewing Mining Proposals. A decision report has been developed to ensure appropriate governance around the decision making process, by demonstrating that the decision is consistent with the relevant legislation and policies.
In the interests of transparency, DMP plans to make the template decision report, assessment checklist and approval letter available for download on the website in due course. Keep a look out on the news section of DMP’s website.
Additional guidance
DMP is looking at developing additional guidance to help industry meet DMP’s expectations with the form, the content of the risk assessment and the environmental outcomes sections of the new Guideline.
DMP is also looking at providing additional guidance and examples to assist with the transition of existing sites to the new guideline.
The guideline was workshopped at the most recent Industry Reference Group meeting, and at the ‘DMP Stakeholder Forums for New Mining Proposal Guideline’ held in Perth on 22 and 24 February and 9 March, and in Kalgoorlie on 28 February 2017.
The aim of the Stakeholder Forums was to provide examples of risk assessments and environmental outcomes, share learnings from the first assessments, engage in a discussion about the department’s expectations for the new guideline and share how DMP is undertaking its assessments.
A number of companies have submitted Mining Proposals under the new guideline. DMP encourages proponents to meet with Environment Officers prior to submitting. A Mining Proposal Scoping Document Template can be found on the DMP website for use in pre-submission meetings.
More information
For more information on the transition arrangements and other frequently asked questions (FAQ), please refer to the FAQ documents available on the DMP website.
For further information, please contact mpreformenquiry@dmp.wa.gov.auAs
we are already facing the third month of 2017, it’s worth reminding everyone not to delay completing your 2017 MRF report – it’ll be 30 June before you know it! You can lodge your report on-line anytime between now and 30 June 2017.
If you have any queries about reporting or have trouble accessing your report, please contact the MRF Team. Information is also available on the MRF webpage.
Email: mrfenquiry@dmp.wa.gov.au
Phone: (08) 9222 3162
To date, the balance of the MRF has increased to approximately $88m, following collection of the bulk of 2016 levies and accumulated interest amounts of approximately $2.4m. Both provide a very sound basis for planning the next stages of the Abandoned Mines Program.
MRF annual audit program
The MRF Team runs an annual audit program to ensure industry consistently submits accurate data and has a sound understanding of the MRF reporting requirements. It is important that industry understands that data submitted for the MRF in previous reports can be reaudited no more than two years after the original audit.
The Department of Mines and Petroleum’s (DMP) goal is to audit 20,000 tenements within five years, meaning every tenement within the State will have been successfully audited. Tenements are selected to be audited on a risk or randomised basis. Tenements can be audited multiple times in the five year period if they are categorised as high risk. DMP is currently auditing MRF reports submitted for the 2016 financial year.
When reporting MRF data, it is important to note that mining activities are not considered to be rehabilitated until they have been formally signed off by DMP as having met completion criteria and therefore cannot be omitted from MRF reports.
It is vital that tenement holders communicate and respond to the department’s requests for further information or records in a timely manner.
DMP wishes to acknowledge the cooperation of industry in the audit process and looks forward to building on the success of the Mining Rehabilitation Fund.
MRF webpage
Please make regular visits to the MRF page on the DMP website. You will also find information such as a step-by-step guide for registering your verification codes. There is also convenient links to the Mining Rehabilitation Fund Act 2012 and the Mining Rehabilitation Fund Regulations 2013.
As a part of the Abandoned Mines Program, rehabilitation efforts and remedial actions are continuing at the Ellendale Diamond Mine, the pilot sites at Black Diamond Pit Lake and the ‘Pro-Force’ Plant Site.
Ellendale Diamond Mine
Site auction
much of Ellendale’s plant and equipment was sold during the liquidator’s auction in September 2015, items still remain on the site.
It is recognised that selling deteriorating plant from the site could also reduce site remediation costs for a new tenement holder. Accordingly, using the established and transparent process in the WA Mining Act 1978 to deal with abandoned mining plant, auctions of processing equipment were held in June and November 2016. Conveyors, stands, a screen, a twin hopper system, a waste oil tank, bore pipework and scrap metal were all sold. Proceeds from the auction sales went towards covering the cost of holding the auctions and managing the removal of purchased items.
Further auctions may be held for the remaining plant and equipment on site.
Tailings storage facility remediation
One of the largest mine features at Ellendale is the 2.5 square kilometre tailings storage facility (TSF) adjacent to the main Ellendale plant and mine. Given the nature of the Kimberley’s wet season and the construction material of the facilities walls (red pindan soils or tailings), the TSF requires regular monitoring and maintenance.
The current wet season is predicted to be very wet and long, with Fitzroy Crossing recording its wettest December on record. In preparation for this wet season, a Kimberley-based civil earthmoving company was engaged to undertake remediation works on sections of the TSF to improve the facility’s surface water management.
This remediation work involved strengthening the pindan walls with rock from a nearby quarry and installing baffles to reduce the size of water catchment areas across the top of the TSF to avoid large pools of water forming.
The remediation works were completed before the start of the wet season and involved the construction of 45 rock beds and 19 catchment baffles.
Just before Christmas 2016, Cyclone Yvonne passed through the Kimberley region, depositing about 250mm of rainfall at Fitzroy Crossing within 48 hours. Minor remediation works were undertaken in January 2017 to rectify washout areas caused by the cyclone.
The Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) will take all reasonable steps to ensure the remaining assets at Ellendale are managed to allow and encourage the re-commencement of mining when the economic conditions are right. As the main TSF at Ellendale is still an asset for the site, further monitoring of the facility will be undertaken ahead of the 2017-18 wet season.
More information about Ellendale Diamond Mine can be found here.
Black Diamond Pit Lake
With the completion of major works at the Black Diamond site, DMP has started work to finalise a revegetation plan in consultation with relevant stakeholders. This plan will primarily ensure that works completed are maintained and affected areas are revegetated.
DMP has also been assisting relevant stakeholders with the process of achieving their desired end land use. Although DMP is not the land manager, the department will assist the stakeholder group where possible.
DMP has issued a Land Tenure Boundary Guidance paper to assist people visiting the site with the various land tenures that exist in and around the lake. This was developed with key stakeholders, the Department of Lands, Shire of Collie and residents whose properties border the Black Diamond site.
The Land Tenure Boundary Guidance paper ensures people using the area know where the private property boundaries are in relation to Black Diamond Pit Lake and can be mindful of their obligations in respect to privately owned land.
DMP has advised the stakeholder group that it will continue to assist them to reach an agreement on post mining land use and obtain funding through available grants.
More information on Black Diamond can be found on the DMP website.
Rehabilitation work to clean-up tyres and miscellaneous rubbish at the Pro-Force abandoned mine site were completed in December 2016. These works removed a total of 25 large tyres, 21 car and truck tyres and 9.75 tonnes of miscellaneous scrap material from the site.
These works followed the removal of the processing plant which was auctioned off from the site in early 2016. Items auctioned included hoppers, a processing tank, walkways, stairs and earthmoving equipment.
Rehabilitation activities undertaken to date have been successful in removing the immediate safety risks associated with the abandoned processing infrastructure and miscellaneous rubbish material.
Stakeholder consultation has been a key driver in the successful completion of these works. DMP will continue to consult key stakeholders and the community in 2017 to determine whether additional rehabilitation works will go ahead at the site.
DMP will also continue to work with underlying tenement holders to ensure that any rehabilitation works undertaken at the site do not affect mining and exploration plans for the area.
An update of the rehabilitation activities undertaken for the Pro-Force project in 2016 can be found here.
The Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) is committed to stakeholder engagement.
Effective and ongoing stakeholder engagement enables better planned and more informed policies, projects and services, including a greater understanding and management of issues and potential risks. For stakeholders, the benefits of engagement include the opportunity to have their issues heard and contribute to the decision-making process.
When documents are open for public consultation they are located on DMPs Consultation webpage.
Public consultation closed
Public consultation has now closed for the items listed below. Closed items will remain accessible on the Consultation webpage for a minimum period of 12 months.
Summary |
Date Closed |
Draft Partnership Guideline developed to support DMP's Abandoned Mines Program. |
6 January 2017 |
Draft Guidance – Materials Characterisation Baseline Data Requirements for Mining Proposals |
29 April 2016 |
Draft Guideline for the Development of Petroleum and Geothermal Environment Plans in Western Australia |
15 April 2016 |
Draft Guideline for the Development of an Onshore Oil Spill Contingency Plan |
4 March 2016 |
Draft Guideline Groundwater Monitoring in the Onshore Petroleum and Geothermal Industry |
4 March 2016 |
Procedure for Declining and Refusing Environmental Applications - draft for public consultation |
31 January 2016 |
1 October to 31 December 2016
Mining Proposals
You can view mining proposals on-line using the department's MINEDEX system. Select 'Environmental Registrations', enter the 'Registration ID' number listed below in the relevant field, then press 'Execute Search'.
Mineral Field |
Operator |
Project |
Tenements |
Registration ID |
Ashburton |
John Anthony Boyle |
Barradale Sands |
M 08/497 |
60935 |
Broad Arrow; Kanowna |
Paddington Gold Pty Ltd |
Mt Jewell Open Pit |
L 24/220, M 24/944 |
55777 |
Bulong |
Silver Lake Resources Ltd |
Tailings Pipeline Reconfiguration |
M 25/347 |
60957 |
Bulong; East Coolgardie |
MacPhersons Resources Ltd |
Boorara Gold Project |
L 25/35, L 25/36, L 26/240, L 26/252, L 26/266, M 25/355, M 26/277, M 26/29, M 26/318, M 26/490, M 26/598 |
60548 |
Coolgardie |
Alliance Mineral Assets Ltd |
Bald Hill Tantalite Project |
G 15/17, L 15/348, M 15/400 |
56617 |
HBJ Minerals Pty Ltd |
Gunga Mining Project |
L 15/356, M 15/1272, M 15/26, M 15/645 |
60434 |
Bullabulling (WA) Pty Ltd |
Ubini Sand Mine |
M 15/1815 |
60518 |
MacPhersons Resources Ltd |
Establishment of Dewatering Bores and Pump Testing |
M 15/128, M 15/133, M 15/147, M 15/1808, M 15/40 |
61411 |
Cue |
Western Mining Pty Ltd |
Light of Asia Underground |
M 20/519, M 20/523, M 20/525 |
55341 |
Big Bell Gold Operations Pty LTD |
Central Murchison Gold Project |
M 20/45, M 20/68 |
60843 |
Gascoyne |
Austwide Mining Title Management Pty Ltd |
Carnarvon Hardrock Limestone Quarry; Scrubby Hill Limestone Quarry June 2015 |
L 09/12, M 09/89 |
55463 |
Kimberley |
Austwide Mining Title Management Pty Ltd |
JSW Holdings Pty Ltd - Weero Road Shingle Kununurra Kimberley Mineral Field |
M 80/630 |
57896 |
Northern Minerals Ltd |
Browns Range Rare Earths Project Pilot Plant Trial |
L 80/76, M 80/627 |
59841 |
Kunanalling |
Northern Star Resources Ltd |
Rubicon-Hornet-Pegasus Mining Operations |
L 16/104, L 16/105, L 16/28, L 16/39, L 16/69, M 16/309 |
60558 |
Norton Gold Fields Ltd |
Matt's Dam |
M 16/150, M 16/244, M 16/44, M 16/45 |
60987 |
Lawlers |
Ross Crew; Chris Crew; Russell McKnight |
Mining Proposal for Small Operations |
M 36/683 |
58290 |
Ramelius Resources Ltd |
Vivien Gold Project Surface Slurry Plant |
M 36/34 |
61354 |
Marble Bar |
B J Young Earthmoving Pty Ltd |
Tabba Tabba Creek Sand Project |
M 45/1250 |
53779 |
Atlas Iron Ltd |
Wodgina DSO Project |
M 45/1252-I |
58406 |
Atlas Iron Ltd |
Abydos DSO Project - Contacio Deposit |
M 45/1179-I |
59898 |
Meekatharra |
Doray Minerals Ltd |
Andy Well Gold Mine - Tailings Storage Facility Stage 2 Embankment Raise |
M 51/870 |
60833 |
Mt Magnet |
Greenbury Pty Ltd |
Greenbury |
M 58/72 |
59489 |
Mt Magnet Gold Pty Ltd |
St George/ Water Tank Hill Underground Project |
M 58/193, M 58/194, M 58/202, M 58/205, M 58/30 |
60503 |
Mt Magnet Gold Pty Ltd |
St George / Water Tank Hill Underground Project |
M 58/202 |
61457 |
Mt Magnet Gold Pty Ltd |
Galaxy Project |
M 58/181, M 58/205, M 58/304, M 58/5 |
61466 |
Mt Malcolm; Lawlers |
Saracen Metals Pty Ltd |
Bannockburn Haul Road and Water Pipe Line |
L 37/142, L 37/166, L 37/216, L 37/222, M 36/503, M 36/504, M 36/582, M 37/339, M 37/340, M 37/356, M 37/357, M 37/358, M 37/359, M 37/367, M 37/368, M 37/437 |
60727 |
Mt Margaret |
Gold Road Resources Ltd |
Gruyere Gold Project Minor or Preliminary Works Stage 1: Accommodation Village And Access Road |
L 38/254, L 38/255 |
60824 |
GSM Mining Company Pty Ltd |
Tailings Storage Facility Seepage Pipeline, V Drain and Powerline |
M 38/205 |
60884 |
GSM Mining Company Pty Ltd |
Wallaby 400RL Intersection Upgrade - Granny Smith Mine |
L 38/79, M 38/692 |
60348 |
Mt Margaret; Mt Morgans |
Focus Minerals (Laverton) Ltd |
Laverton Gold Operations |
G 38/20, G 38/24, G 38/25, L 38/108, L 38/120, L 38/152, L 38/153, L 38/160, L 38/163, L 38/164, L 38/165, L 38/166, L 38/173, L 38/177, L 38/179, L 38/34, L 38/52, L 38/53, L 38/54, L 38/55, L 38/56, L 38/57, L 38/63, L 38/75, L 38/76, L 38/78, L 38/92, L 39/214, M 38/101, M 38/1032, M 38/1042, M 38/1187, M 38/143, M 38/159, M 38/236, M 38/261, M 38/264, M 38/270, M 38/318, M 38/342, M 38/345, M 38/37, M 38/376, M 38/377, M 38/38, M 38/387, M 38/401, M 38/49, M 38/507, M 38/535, M 38/693, M 38/73, M 38/8, M 38/89, M 39/138, M 39/139, M 39/185, M 39/262 |
57884 |
Mt Morgans |
Monte Ling, Kevin Sibraa, Natacha Issler, Geoffrey Ling |
Bar Twenty |
M 39/1106 |
59263 |
Dacian Gold Ltd |
Mt Morgans Gold Project |
M 39/1107 |
60031 |
Dacian Gold Ltd |
Mt Morgans Gold Project |
L 39/57, M 39/18, M 39/228, M 39/236, M 39/240, M 39/248, M 39/264, M 39/272, M 39/273, M 39/304, M 39/305, M 39/390, M 39/395, M 39/513 |
60641 |
Anglogold Ashanti Australia LTD |
Tropicana Gold Mine: Operational Area Waste Landform Optimisation |
M 39/1096 |
60914 |
Saracen Gold Mines Pty Ltd |
Deep South Camp Firebreak |
M 39/129, M 39/639, M 39/740, M 39/741 |
61020 |
Niagara |
Genesis Minerals Ltd |
Ulysses Project |
M 40/166 |
60877 |
Peak Hill |
Aragon Resources Pty Ltd |
TSF 2 Embankment Raise Design - Lift Tailings Storage Facility up to RL520m by mechanically compacted tailings |
M 52/132, M 52/96 |
60411 |
Billabong Gold Pty Ltd |
Hermes Gold Project |
L 52/116, L 52/117, L 52/164, M 52/149, M 52/150, M 52/253, M 52/309, M 52/395, M 52/685, M 52/797 |
60472 |
Sandfire Resources NL |
Sandfire Resources NL DeGrussa Copper Project - HV Powerline |
M 52/1046 |
60590 |
Rio Tinto Ltd |
Tailings Storage Facility Southern Cell Expansion |
G 14SA, G 4SA |
60720 |
South West |
Doral Mineral Sands Pty Ltd |
Yoongarillup Mineral Sands Project |
M 70/458, M 70/459 |
60437 |
Austwide Mining Title Management Pty Ltd |
Lake Carmody Gypsum |
L 70/177, M 70/1318 |
60553 |
Austwide Mining Title Management Pty Ltd |
Mining Proposal M70/1285 & L70/127 |
L 70/127, M 70/1285 |
62573 |
Ullaring |
Carnegie Gold Pty Ltd |
Golden Eagle Deposit |
M 30/1, M 30/108, M 30/132, M 30/42, M 30/5, M 30/73 |
59357 |
Carnegie Gold Pty Ltd |
Davyhurst Project |
L 30/37, M 30/1, M 30/108, M 30/42, M 30/73 |
60930 |
Carnegie Gold Pty Ltd |
Lights of Israel Underground |
M 30/1, M 30/108, M 30/132, M 30/42, M 30/44, M 30/73 |
61330 |
West Pilbara |
Karratha Earth Moving and Sand Supplies Pty Ltd, MMWC Environmental Pty Ltd |
Nickol River Quarry Project |
M 47/455 |
45605 |
Process Minerals International Pty Ltd |
Phil's Creek |
M 47/1359-I, M 47/1421-I |
60346 |
BC Iron Ltd |
Iron Valley Below Water Table |
L 47/757, M 47/1439-I |
60479 |
BC Iron Ltd |
Iron Valley Project - Change of Project Disturbance Purpose - Plant Area to Pit |
M 47/1439-I |
60719 |
Rio Tinto Ltd |
Hope Downs 1 to Hope Downs 4220kV Transmission Line Asset Protection Corridor |
L 47/417, L 47/420, L 47/515 |
61003 |
Austwide Mining Title Management Pty Ltd |
Water tanks |
M 47/389 |
61146 |
Wiluna |
Rosslyn Hill Mining Pty Ltd |
Integrated Waste Landform |
M 53/502 |
60901 |
Yalgoo |
Mount Gibson Iron Ltd |
Iron Hill Hematite Project |
L 59/87, M 59/338-I, M 59/339-I, M 59/454-I, M 59/455-I, M 59/526-I, M 59/609-I |
58126 |
Minjar Gold Pty Ltd |
Minjar Gold Project Monaco Cutback |
M 59/420-I, M 59/458-I |
60881 |
Karara Mining Ltd |
Wet Concentrate Storage Facility |
G 59/38 |
61107 |
Yalgoo; South West |
Mount Gibson Mining Ltd |
Hill Hematite Project |
G 59/34 |
61218 |
Yilgarn |
Cliffs Asia Pacific Iron Ore Pty Ltd |
Windarling Range W10 Deposit |
M 77/1000-I, M 77/1001-I |
59254 |
Brightsun Enterprises Pty Ltd |
Radio Gold Mine Dewatering & Bulk Sample |
M 77/633 |
60158 |
Cliffs Asia Pacific Iron Ore Pty Ltd |
Mt Jackson J1 Deposit Waste Rock Landform Design Change |
M 77/994-I |
60657 |
Corinthian Mining Pty Ltd |
Corinthia Project |
L 77/277, M 77/534, M 77/677 |
60738 |
Cliffs Asia Pacific Iron Ore Pty Ltd |
Koolyanobbing Range D-South Deposit |
M 77/607-I |
60768 |
Polaris Metals Pty Ltd |
Changes to Haul Road |
M 77/1244-I, M 77/1261-I |
61216 |
Cliffs Asia Pacific Iron Ore Pty Ltd |
Koolyanobbing Range E Deposit Extension |
M 77/607-I |
61467 |
1 October to 31 December 2016
Environment Plans, Bridging Documents and Written Notifications
You can view petroleum and geothermal environmental proposals on-line using the department's Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System (EARS) system. Enter the 'EARS ID' number listed below in the relevant field, then press 'Search'.
Region |
Operator |
Project |
Type |
Gascoyne |
Tubridgi Gas Storage Project |
Environment Plan |
61282 |
Goldfields-Esperance |
EDL Group Operations Pty Ltd |
Pipeline PL48 |
Environment Plan |
60124 |
WorleyParsons Asset Management Pty Ltd |
KEGP PL59 Gas Pipeline |
Environment Plan |
61155 |
Kimberley |
Buru Energy Ltd |
Asgard 1 Suspension |
Written Notification |
60985 |
Buru Energy Ltd |
Asgard Valhalla Water Sampling |
Written Notification |
60973 |
Buru Energy Ltd |
Canning Basin Well Care and Maintenance |
Environment Plan |
60631 |
Buru Energy Ltd |
Further reinjection test of Ungani FW 1 well |
Written Notification |
60782 |
Quadrant Energy Australia Ltd |
Devil Creek Gas Supply Pipeline and Sales Gas Pipeline Operations |
Environment Plan |
60239 |
Mid West |
AWE Perth Pty Ltd |
Mt Horner-04 and 08 Well Decommissioning |
Bridging Document |
60399 |
AWE Perth Pty Ltd |
Dongara-10 Well Decommissioning |
Bridging Document |
60904 |
AWE Perth Pty Ltd |
Dongara-20 Well Decomissioning |
Bridging Document |
61184 |
AWE Perth Pty Ltd |
Woodada-02 WIA |
Bridging Document |
61101 |
AWE Perth Pty Ltd |
MTH 09,12 & 14 WIA |
Bridging Document |
60898 |
Roc Oil (WA) Pty Ltd |
Cliff Head Operations State Waters Pipeline Maintenance |
Bridging Document |
58877 |
Pilbara |
Carnarvon Petroleum Ltd |
Cerberus Drilling Campaign |
Environment Plan |
54833 |
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd |
Gorgon Project: Barrow Island Drilling & Completions Program |
Environment Plan |
61315 |
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd |
Thevenard Island Onshore Well Securement ` |
Environment Plan |
60977 |
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd |
Thevenard Offshore Wells Plug and Abandonment |
Environment Plan |
59487 |
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd |
Thevenard Offshore Wells Plug and Abandonment |
Environment Plan |
62637 |
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd |
Thevenard Offshore Wells Plug and Abandonment |
Environment Plan |
61090 |
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd |
Wheatstone Project Start-Up and Operations |
Environment Plan |
61305 |
Quadrant Energy Australia Ltd |
Harriet Bravo and VI Well Suspension Activities |
Bridging Document |
61245 |
Quadrant Energy Australia Ltd |
Contaminated Sites Remediation activities - up-scaled active remediation via skimmer pumps |
Bridging Document |
60466 |
Quadrant Energy Australia Ltd |
Harriet Bravo & Varanus Island Well Intervention Activities |
Bridging Document |
61008 |
Quadrant Energy Australia Ltd |
Q4 ROV Surveys State Waters |
Written Notification |
61049 |
Quadrant Energy Australia Ltd |
Small Vessel Mooring Replacement |
Written Notification |
61454 |
Wheatbelt |
Empire Oil & Gas NL |
Red Gully North-1 Well Workover & Testing Perth Basin |
Bridging Document |
60932 |
Latent Petroleum Pty Ltd |
Dandaragan-1 EP-321 Plug and Abandonment |
Bridging Document |
61031 |
Latent Petroleum Pty Ltd |
Warro Gas Field Shut-in & Suspended Wells Warro Project |
Environment Plan |
61014 |
1 October – 31 December 2016
The Environment Division oversees an Environment Enforcement Panel that considers cases of alleged breaches of tenement conditions under the Mining Act 1978 and provides advice to the Minister for Mines and Petroleum on whether forfeiture, or a penalty in lieu of forfeiture, should be imposed.
The Department of Mines and Petroleum believes it is important to raise awareness of the more common types of breaches and to promote the significance of compliance.
Penalties in lieu of forfeiture imposed by the Minister for Mines and Petroleum
This is a list of confirmed Mining Act 1978 breach-of-tenement conditions between 1 October and 31 December 2016 that had a penalty imposed by the Minister for Mines and Petroleum.
Penalty |
Nature of Breach |
Learning's for Industry |
Detection By |
Minister's Decision Date |
No. of Tenements |
Individual or Company |
$36,000 |
The construction and operation of the project and measures to protect the environment not being carried out in accordance with approved documents. |
Ensure all approvals have been received before undertaking works; ensure any alterations or expansions have been approved; ensure there is an understanding for on-site approval processes within your organisation. |
Site Inspection |
16/11/2016 |
3 |
Company |
Please keep these contact details handy for the Department of Mines and Petroleum's (DMP)s Environment Division.
Minerals assessment or compliance enquiries
The map linked here provides you with the contact details of the DMP Environmental Officers responsible for your inspectorate/mineral field area.
Inspectorate map and responsible Environmental Officers
Petroleum environment operations
General inquires, notification of commencement or completion of a petroleum activity and notification of reportable environmental incident.
Email: petroleum.environment@dmp.wa.gov.au
EARS / EARS 2 online system enquiries
General application and compliance reporting enquiries
Email : EARSManager@dmp.wa.gov.au
Phone : (08) 9222 3535
MRF enquiries
Mining Rehabilitation Fund enquiries
Email : mrfenquiry@dmp.wa.gov.au
Phone : (08) 9222 3162
Golden Gecko enquires
Entry forms and details of how to enter the 2017 Golden Gecko Awards are available on the Golden Gecko webpage.
For any further enquiries
Email: golden.gecko@dmp.wa.gov.au
Phone: (08) 9222 3102
PoW spatial training
Registration and general enquiries
Email: PoWSpatial@dmp.wa.gov.au