Forthcoming geophysical data releases

Thursday 24 October 2013 after 0900 AWST (UTC +8)

Esperance 2013 gravity survey — final data

Images Images and grids of final data from the regional ground gravity survey completed in September 2013 will be available from the GSWA website on the Latest Geophysical Surveys page at A total of 7891 new gravity observations were made at 1 km spacing along roads in areas of urban and freehold land and on a 2.5 km grid by helicopter in open country.

Point-located (‘vector’) data and grids can be downloaded free of charge from the Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS) or purchased on disk from Geoscience Australia.


GGMplus gravity data compilation over Western Australia



GGMplus (Global Gravity Model +) is a composite of GRACE and GOCE satellite gravity, EGM2008 and short-wavelength topographic gravity effects at 200 m resolution for all terrestrial and near-coastal areas of the Earth between ±60° latitude. For details see the GGMplus website.

The GGMplus source data are distributed as a series of 5° x 5° tiles at a grid resolution of 0.002 degrees (7.2 arc-seconds). GSWA has compiled the 'free fall gravity acceleration' data from the eighteen 5° x 5° tiles that cover Western Australia into a single grid. By agreement with the authors of the GGMplus data, the compilation grid (in ER Mapper and Geosoft formats) is available for download from GSWA Geophysical Compilations.




Most recent geophysical data releases

Date Survey Data status
20 Sep 2013 Radiometric anomaly grids (80 m) of WA 2013 – v1
20 Jun 2013 Magnetic anomaly grid (40 m) of WA 2013 – v1
20 Jun 2013 Magnetic anomaly grid (80 m) of WA 2013 – v2
06 Jun 2013 Widgiemooltha South 2012 airborne mag/rad survey Final
02 May 2013 South Pilbara 2012 airborne mag/rad survey Final
24 Apr 2013 Mt Barker 2011 airborne mag/rad survey Final

Access to previously released geophysical data

Image data from previous geophysical releases can be found on our Regional Geophysical Surveys page. Digital located and grid data can be purchased on media from Geoscience Australia or downloaded free of charge through the Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS).

Spotlight on a product — popular gemstones book reprinted


Top figure. Green, blue, and pink watermelon tourmaline from Spargoville in the Kambalda region. The smaller crystal measures 6 mm in diameter (courtesy Vernan Potter).

Lower figure. Emerald crystal in schist, Wonder Well deposit at Riverina in the Menzies region (courtesy Australian Museum)

Mineral Resources Bulletin 25, Gemstones of Western Australia, was first published with a ministerial launch in January of this year. Due to its popularity, the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) has reprinted further copies (in soft cover) which are now available for sale. In a collaborative arrangement between GSWA and the Gemmological Association of Australia (GAA), the authors have assembled a comprehensive resource on most gemstones and decorative stones used in jewellery and ornamental sculpture in the State. Although diamonds command pride of place among the industries of Western Australia, far less is known about occurrences of beryl, topaz, tourmaline, tektites, gem-quality quartz and associated siliceous gems. Material peculiar to this State, such as zebra stone, orbicular granite and mookaite are described, as are pearls, fossil wood, and precious metals.

Geographical locations are indicated where possible, and references are provided to earlier work. Gemstones of Western Australia is written not only for the professional geologist and gemmologist, but the book is also a valuable resource for the experienced fossicker and amateur rockhound.

The book is available to purchase from at a cost of $50 (including GST). It is also available as a downloadable PDF.

Last database training date for 2013 — sign up now

Image of the Geoview software

You are invited to attend a free training session hosted by the Department of Mines and Petroleum to demonstrate current online systems. This is your opportunity to try these services for yourself and chat with the staff who create and manage them.

The format is an interactive presentation which includes navigating the DMP website, searching for publications, finding mineral deposits using MINEDEX, finding digital datasets using the Data and Software Centre, open file mineral exploration reports using WAMEX, and bringing it all together with updated interactive map viewer (GeoVIEW.WA). GeoMap.WA, a new GIS viewer for Windows, will also be demonstrated.

The morning sessions will be a high-level overview of the use of all the programs. At the afternoon sessions, participants will be able to practise using the programs with their own actual examples and get some one-on-one advice about individual issues. You can attend one or both sessions.

Venue to be advised.
Thursday 14 November– only a few places left

Any updates can be found here.

To register, email your details to

Subscribe to Fieldnotes

image of Fieldnotes publications

Fieldnotes is a quarterly publication released by GSWA to provide the State's exploration industry and other geoscientists with an update on our latest work and ongoing programs. The publication provides updates on other GSWA products and services and is available free from the Information Centre located on the first floor of Mineral House, 100 Plain Street, East Perth 6004. Find past issues of Fieldnotes or subscribe to receive a hard copy by emailing

Access GSWA products

You can download maps, reports, and digital information free of charge from our website.

Click on these links to take you to the download page for that product:

Hard copies

Buy GSWA premium publications (e.g. Gemstones of WA, Devonian Reef Complexes and Discovery trail of the Pilbara), products on CD, DVD and USB, and maps by ordering on eBookshop at or the First Floor counter at Mineral House, 100 Plain Street, East Perth, WA 6004. Customers can select available items for purchase and pay by Mastercard or Visa.

You can use our advanced search to do a text-based search of our online catalogue. This search allows you to find more than 3000 books and maps published since 1898 on the geology and mineral resources of Western Australia.

Electronic products

From 1 January 2013, Reports, Records and Explanatory Notes will not be sold in hard copy format. They will only be available as downloadable PDFs from our website. The ebookshop provides the link to each product at the end of each entry. Almost all printed publications are available free as PDFs on our website at

For further information, contact

Image of a man at sunset

Contact us

For information on publications, email
or telephone +61 8 9222 3459/ fax +61 8 9222 3444.

For information on digital data, email the Digital Data Administrator on
or telephone +61 8 9222 3816.

Physical address

Mineral House
100 Plain Street
East Perth WA 6004

Joe Lord Core Library
Corner Broadwood and Hunter Streets
West Kalgoorlie
+61 8 9022 0410

For more information about GSWA and its products, go to our website.