The McGowan Government has announced $7 million in funding to expand the capacity of the Joe Lord Core Library in Kalgoorlie. The world-class facility stores core samples that contain valuable geoscientific information for exploration companies and others seeking new petroleum and mineral discoveries.
Researchers and explorers can inspect the samples and review results to reduce the technical and financial risk of exploration activities. The extension will provide better access, more space and improved facilities to view and analyse the drillcores.
The continued interest in the State Government's Exploration Incentive Scheme has resulted in the Kalgoorlie facility being close to capacity, with all of the current storage areas in use.
WA has two purpose-built drillcore libraries, the Joe Lord facility and the Perth Core Library in Carlisle.
‘My Government is proud to expand the very essential Joe Lord Core Library and the service it provides to geoscientists, junior explorers and some of the world's biggest miners. Reinvigorating exploration activity is a priority during COVID-19 to ensure the resources sector is well-positioned to bounce back when the global economy recovers. It's expected that ground works at the Core Library will commence before Christmas, creating jobs for the local Kalgoorlie–Boulder community,’ said Premier Mark McGowan.
Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Johnston commented: ‘The vast repository of information available at the Joe Lord Core Library can help industry find the next big discovery and potentially save mining companies millions of dollars. The core library expansion and the Exploration Incentive Scheme highlight the McGowan Government's ongoing support of the exploration industry. Measures to reduce exploration risk and attract investment will ensure resource exploration continues to prosper in Western Australia.’
The latest edition of Fieldnotes (July 2020 number 95) is now available on the DMIRS eBookshop.
This edition includes the announcement of Round 21 EIS drilling; updates on the GDA2020 datum; new virtual tour on meteorite impact structures; new Report on the Eucla basement; results published for Waukarlycarly 1 drilling project; Accelerated Geoscience program; new approaches to understanding mineral systems in the Albany–Fraser Orogen; and product releases.
March, April and July sessions were cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. We will recommence classes in Kalgoorlie (in September) and Perth (in November). However, we will be reducing class sizes to adhere to social distancing requirements.
The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) offers FREE introductory information sessions in the use of databases and online systems. The presentations allow hands-on interaction for most systems.
A desktop computer will be available for each participant. There is no need to bring anything. However, you are welcome to bring your own laptop if you want to run through specific examples.
Topics include:
Class sizes will be limited to 10 people to abide by social distancing requirements.
Monday 2 November
09:30 to 12:00 — 2 hours for GeoMap.WA followed by 30 minutes Q&A
Tuesday 3 November
09:30 to 12:00 — 2 hours including 1 hour for GeoVIEW.WA and 1 hour for TENGRAPH Web followed by 30 minutes Q&A
Thursday 5 November
09:30 to 12:00 — 2 hours including 1 hour for WAMEX (plus drillholes and geochemistry) and 1 hour for MINEDEX followed by 30 minutes Q&A
Venue: No. 1 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth (NOT Mineral House)
When you register for the Perth sessions, please provide your name, email, phone number, date, and location of session. You will receive an email confirming your attendance.
Venue: Computer Suite 703.202/203, WA School of Mines, 61 Wilson Street, Kalgoorlie 6430
Class size will be limited to seven people to abide by social distancing requirements.
Tuesday 29 September
09:30 – 10:00 Overview of web applications
10:00 – 10:45 Data access and download (Data and Software Centre, USBs and eBookshop)
10:45 – 11:00 GeoMap.WA (includes workbook exercise)
11:00 – 11:10 Morning tea
11:10 – 11.40 GeoMap.WA (continued)
11:40 – 12:15 GeoVIEW.WA (includes data download and workbook exercise)
12:15 – 12:45 Lunch
12:45 – 13:30 TENGRAPH Web (includes workbook exercise)
13:30 – 14:00 WAMEX
14:00 – 14:30 MINEDEX
14:30 – 15:00 Q&A and one-on-one session
When you register for the Kalgoorlie session, please provide your name, email, phone number and date of session with your registration. You will receive an email confirming your attendance.
Meteorite impact structures of Western Australia virtual tour 2020
Feel like an excursion into the great outdoors of Western Australia but don’t want to leave your comfy chair? You can do it! Armchair travel at its finest has arrived! Open up your Google Earth (Pro version) and you will be taken to a world of impact structures that have hit Western Australia with a bang.
In our State, and the whole of Australia, sculpturing of the Earth is not confined to geological processes that require many thousands or even millions of years. In rare instances, the present landscape was produced in seconds by meteorites or asteroids colliding with Earth. Some of the structures created are hidden under sediments but some are clearly recognizable as craters. All but the smallest were formed by explosions that greatly exceeded anything manmade.
There are over a dozen impact craters or old eroded and buried impact sites referred to as ‘impact structures’ known in Western Australia. Most are not easily seen to the untrained eye, but some form remarkable geological features. View more information about our State meteorite impact structures.
This virtual tour provides in-depth information on all aspects of the geology and historical or cultural information on 11 of the State's impact sites. Additional information, including geological maps and geophysical images are provided for overlay. The tour provides a detailed glossary to aid the novice geologist, and a list of references for further reading.
Official stuff
Please note that removal of meteorite material from these sites is prohibited under Section 45 of the Museum Act 1969. All meteorite material found in Western Australia remains the property of the State.
You can find out how to access Meteorite impact structures virtual tour 2020 from our eBookshop.
DMIRS is offering its premium publications backlist with massive discounts off the original advertised price. Act now to get some huge geological bargains while stocks last!
Bulletin 145 Devonian reef complexes – normally $50 – discounted price $25
Discovery trails to early Earth – normally $25 – discounted price $15
Geology and landforms of the Perth Region – normally $22 – discounted price $11
Australia goes it alone (Cretaceous to present) – normally $33 – discounted price $15
A Paleozoic perspective of WA – normally $33 – discounted price $15
MRB 13 Copper mineralization in Western Australia – FREE
MRB 14 Nickel mineralization in Western Australia – FREE
MRB 17 Barite and fluorite in Western Australia – FREE
MRB 18 Limestone and limesand resources of Western Australia – FREE
MRB 19 Kaolin in Western Australia – FREE
MRB 20 Bentonite, attapulgite, and common clays in Western Australia – FREE
MRB 21 Silica resources of Western Australia – FREE
MRB 22 Tantalum in Western Australia – FREE
MRB 23 Dimension stone in Western Australia: Volume 1 – FREE
MRB 24 Dimension stone in Western Australia: Volume 2 – FREE
is a quarterly publication (now digital only) that provides the State's exploration industry and other geoscientists with information on our latest work and ongoing programs. The publication offers updates on other products and services.
Find past issues of Fieldnotes on our website or subscribe to this eNewsletter to get the latest release.
To join our mailing list and receive our regular news updates, go to our website and subscribe to our newsletter. To stop receiving these newsletters, please unsubscribe by replying to the email you receive from us.
You can download maps, reports, and digital information free of charge from our website.
Click on these links to take you to the download or launch page for that product:
Hard copies
Maps, USB data packages, and nine premium publications are available to purchase as hard copies from the eBookshop or the First Floor counter at Mineral House, 100 Plain Street, East Perth WA 6004. A new online cart and payment system is in place. Records, reports, bulletins and other non-series books cannot be purchased in hard copy but are all available as PDFs to view and download free of charge.
For information on publications, email or telephone +61 8 9222 3459/ fax +61 8 9222 3444.
For information on digital data, email or telephone +61 8 9222 3816.
Mineral House
100 Plain Street
East Perth WA 6004
For more information about GSWA go to our website