In the process of the determination of a mining tenement application there are both statutory and Departmental policy/procedural requirements which are required to be met. These requirements form tasks which are completed to ensure compliance.
The tasks are completed in most cases in a set order but this can vary from tenement application to tenement application. These tasks may run either severally or concurrently and may be a reflection of either compliance action being undertaken by the Department, other statutory authority or compliance action required to be taken by the tenement applicant themself.
Some of the compliance tasks may also contain confidential information that can only be viewed by authorised users. Users who wish to be registered to view particular confidential details for tenement applications can do so by contacting the Department. Refer to Application for Confidential Access.
The task bars are displayed (shaded) in four different colours as follows:
- Grey - this reflects that the task has either yet to start or is not applicable.
- Blue - this reflects that action has begun on that specific task and is progressing.
- Green - this reflects that action is now complete for that specific task.
- Orange - (will only display for users who are registered as Confidential access users) this reflects that there is action required by the tenement applicant to further progress the application.
Access Approval Tracking functionality via the 'Application Tracking' button in the top right had corner of the Tenement Register page.
Approval tasks are displayed in the general order of how they are assessed and actioned.
Each task bar will display the task description and status which reflects what current action is/or has occurred against that specific task.
If further information for a task is available for viewing by the user then the 'More Info' icon will appear.
By clicking the respective task bar the task will expand to display the further content and can then be reduced by re-clicking the same task.
General contact information for the tenement application, including contact name and telephone number is provided if further information is required.
If there is a task present that requires action by the tenement applicant for the specific tenement then it will be displayed shaded in Orange.
When this type of task is displayed it is an indication that a deficiency is present or a request has been made to the tenement applicant by the Department. Once the deficiency is rectified or the request answered the task will be displayed shaded in Green to reflect such.
General contact information for the tenement application, including contact name and telephone number is provided if further information regarding outstanding Applicant actions is required.
The Approval Tracking Chart Tab graphically displays the progress of a tenement application through its determination process. The chart depicts a timeline showing milestones vertically and tasks affecting the application horizontally allowing the viewer to quickly determine the current status.
The furthest left vertical line represents the lodgement of the application whilst the furthest right depicts either today for pending tenements or determined for tenements that have completed the process. The vertical lines between these represent major milestones for the application such as Objection period end, Recommendation and Clearance through Native Title.
The horizontal bars represent those processes (tasks) that the tenement is undergoing. Clicking on these process bars will reveal additional information about that process as it affects the application.
When there are processes (tasks) begun due to either a deficiency or a request made to the tenement applicant by the Department then these will be displayed under the Confidential processes.
Clicking on the respective process bar will reveal additional information about that process as it affects the application.
General contact information for the tenement application, including contact name and telephone number is provided if further information on the specific Confidential process if required.