We have experienced a series of unexpected delays in our airborne survey program, both in the acquisition and processing stages. These delays have led to repeated postponements of our anticipated data release dates and we regret any inconvenience that this may have caused.
Currently, there are four surveys still in progress and final data are pending for eight others (preliminary grids and images from seven of which are available from our website). Final data processing and quality control on all eight are close to completion and we hope to be able to release all of these by August 2012, if there are no further delays. As usual, actual release dates will be notified in a newsletter issued about a week prior to the date.
We hope that flying will be complete on the other surveys and the data released before December 2012 (see latest program update flyer).
GSWA has acquired the publication rights to the Fugro multiclient airborne magnetic and radiometric datasets in the Menzies-to-Norseman belt that we were not previously able to include in our State compilations.
Because of the number and size of the datasets, it will take us some time to package them for release following our normal procedure. In the meantime, we will make the located data and grids available on an external drive (at cost) pending eventual inclusion in the Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS). Images in ecw format will be available for download (at no cost) on our Regional Geophysical Surveys page.
The release date has yet to be determined but will be towards the end of this month; a separate newsletter will be issued to advise the actual date of release. If you want a copy of the located and gridded datasets (rather than just the images) please send a request via our online MAGIX Data Request form.
Image data from previous geophysical releases can be found on our Regional Geophysical Surveys page. Digital located and grid data can be purchased on media from Geoscience Australia or downloaded free of charge through the Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS).
Attend a free training session hosted by the Department of Mines and Petroleum to learn about current online systems. The format is an interactive presentation which includes navigating the DMP website, searching for publications, finding mineral deposits using MINEDEX, finding digital datasets using the Data and Software Centre, searching open-file mineral exploration reports using WAMEX, and bringing it all together with the interactive map viewer (GeoVIEW.WA). GeoMap.WA, a GIS viewer for Windows, will also be demonstrated.
The morning sessions will be a high-level fast demonstration and overview of the use of all the programs. At the afternoon sessions, participants will be able to practise using the programs with their own examples and get some one-on-one advice about individual issues. Participants can attend one or both sessions.
WA School of Mines, Mine Design Lab, Room 131, Building 703, Odwyn Jones Building, corner Cassidy and MacDonald Streets, central Kalgoorlie.
9 am – 12 noon, 2–5 pm – Wednesday 27 June
9 am – 12 noon, 2–5 pm – Wednesday 14 November
ISB Training room, 3rd floor South
Mineral House, 100 Plain Street, East Perth
9 am – 12 noon, 2–5 pm – Wednesday 7 November
To register, email your details to publications@dmp.wa.gov.au.
The Western Australian State Government continues to support the exploration of underexplored areas with the release today of the successful applicants for Round 5 of the Exploration Incentive Scheme's (EIS) Co-funded Exploration Drilling Program.
The Minister for Mines and Petroleum, Norman Moore, released details of 56 drilling projects, including three prospecting projects, which have attracted more than $6.2 million in co-funding.
The projects will be drilling for a range of commodities, including geothermal resources.
In the current State Budget, the Government has signalled continuing support for the EIS with funding through to end of June 2016.
The Co-funded Drilling Program provides incentives to drill in underexplored areas. The highly competitive program, which offers two rounds of co-funding a year, has already shown success with commercially promising and scientifically interesting projects including support for the deep drilling which led to the re-opening of the Mt Magnet gold mine, the drilling instrumental in the discovery of the East Tropicana gold deposit, the Speewah vanadium deposit, the Yeneena copper discovery, and the Theseus uranium deposit.
Round 6 applications will open in September 2012 for drilling projects to be undertaken in January to December 2013. Information acquired by the companies is publically released in the WAMEX database after a short confidentiality period. This adds to the geological knowledge of the State, and reduces the risk for subsequent explorers.
The Co-funded Drilling Program is the flagship program of the State Government's EIS which is funded by the Royalties for Regions program.
Round 5 Co-funded drilling Map of successful applicants Round 5 2012–2013
Record 2011/25 Capricorn Orogen seismic and magnetotelluric (MT) workshop 2011: extended abstracts
by SP Johnson, AM Thorne, and IM Tyler
Iron ore deposits of the Yilgarn Craton, 2012
by RW Cooper
You can download maps, reports, and digital information free of charge from our website.
Click on these links to take you to the download page for that product:
Hard copy publications are also available to purchase from the eBookshop or the First Floor counter at Mineral House, 100 Plain Street, East Perth, WA 6004.
For information on publications, email publications@dmp.wa.gov.au
or telephone +61 8 9222 3459/ fax +61 8 9222 3444.
For information on digital data, email the Digital data administrator on gsd.dda@dmp.wa.gov.au
or telephone +61 8 9222 3816.
Mineral House
100 Plain Street
East Perth WA 6004
For more information about GSWA and its products, go to the GSWA website.