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Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

The dykes density – ldke raster layer shows the density (number per unit area) of dykes in the 1:2 500 000 State interpreted dyke suites layer

The primary data were processed using the Spatial analyst – line density (ldke) tool in ArcGIS software to calculate the number of the dykes in the neighborhood of each output raster cell. The search cell size radius is 0.5 decimal degrees. The output cell size is 0.001 decimal degrees (approximately 100 m).

Raster image showing the density of the linear dykes in the neighbourhood of each output raster cell. Pixels of reds and yellows indicate a higher density of dykes.

Stretched (percent clip – min. and max. 0.5%). Nearest neighbour.

Cell resolution is 0.001° (~100 m)

1:2 500 000 State interpreted dyke suites

Not applicable



Line density

Spatial analyst tool > density > line density

Cell size: 0.001°

Search radius: 0.5°

Display: nearest neighbour (for discrete data)

Symbology: stretched – percent clip – min. and max. 0.5%

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