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Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Field observation locations for clastic sedimentary rocks in Western Australia. Clastic sedimentary rocks are commonly associated with basinal settings, which represent source areas for manganese mineralization. The derived layer shows locations where clastic sedimentary rocks are recorded by the WAROX database.

Legend Description
Clastic sedimentary rocks SOURCE Field observation locations for clastic sedimentary rocks in Western Australia


Field observations

Operation Query
WAROX data are queried to select clastic sedimentary rocks from the ROCKTYPE field

ROCKTYPE = 'metasedimentary siliciclastic' OR

ROCKTYPE = 'metasedimentary siliciclastic: pelite' OR

ROCKTYPE = 'metasedimentary siliciclastic: psammite' OR

ROCKTYPE = 'metasedimentary siliciclastic: psammite and pelite; interlayered' OR

ROCKTYPE = 'metasedimentary siliciclastic: psephite' OR

ROCKTYPE = 'metasedimentary siliciclastic: semipelite' OR

ROCKTYPE = 'metasedimentary siliciclastic: semipsephite' OR

ROCKTYPE = 'sedimentary siliciclastic'


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