What is this layer?
Raster map showing the distribution of mafic, ultramafic and felsic volcanic units derived from 1:100 000 and 1:500 000 geological mapping. The raster was reclassified to show the presence (1) or absence (0) of a mafic, ultramafic or felsic volcanic unit within the corresponding raster cell. Output cell size is 0.01 decimal degrees (approximately 1 km).
Legend |
Raster value |
Mafic ultramafic felsic volcanic |
Mafic ultramafic felsic volcanic – reclass raster TRAP |
1 |
Present |
0 |
Absent |
Filtered with
Terms |
Query |
Igneous mafic volcanic |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous mafic volcanic') OR |
Igneous felsic volcanic |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous felsic volcanic') OR |
Igneous mafic intrusive |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous mafic intrusive') OR |
Igneous ultramafic volcanic |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous ultramafic volcanic') OR |
Meta-igneous mafic intrusive |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous mafic intrusive') OR |
Meta-igneous mafic |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous mafic') OR |
Meta-igneous ultramafic volcanic or undivided |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous ultramafic volcanic or undivided') OR |
Meta-igneous felsic volcanic |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous felsic volcanic') OR |
Meta-igneous mafic volcanic |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous mafic volcanic') OR |
Meta-igneous ultramafic intrusive |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous ultramafic intrusive') OR |
Igneous ultramafic intrusive |
LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous ultramafic intrusive') |