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Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Distribution of mafic, ultramafic and felsic volcanic units in Western Australia.




Refers to the geological code and unit name of the mapped polygons

Geology MERGED


LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous mafic volcanic') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous felsic volcanic') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous mafic intrusive') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous ultramafic volcanic') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous mafic intrusive') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous mafic') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous ultramafic volcanic or undivided') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous felsic volcanic') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous mafic volcanic') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('meta-igneous ultramafic intrusive') OR

LOWER (ROCKTYPE1) LIKE LOWER ('igneous ultramafic intrusive')

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