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Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

This dataset has been compiled from the harmonized open file downhole geochemistry data derived from the November 2022 release of the drillhole dataset

Harmonized drillhole data are available for download at Western Australia Exploration Geochemistry Online (

The source data were processed to obtain the maximum grade in-hole for selected analytes, and these were attributed to the drillhole collar location

Data were processed using the point neighbourhood statistics tool in ESRI ArcGIS software to obtain the maximum in-hole grade and density of mineralized holes for three different cell sizes (100 m, 300 m and 5 km) smoothed over the adjoining eight cells. The images provide a spatial overview of known mineralization locations, trends and patterns.

Hill-shaded mineralized drill hole count raster

Image showing the density of the number of the drillholes (count) with anomalous results of the analytes based on the determined threshold, using point statistics neighbourhood – sum values. Areas in lighter grey indicate a higher concentration of mineralized drillholes.

Symbology – stretched (standard deviations). Display – bilinear interpolation with transparency on top of the maximum grade – nsmax raster

Note: these were only provided for those analytes where sufficient drillhole data were available


Maximum grade – nsmax raster

Image showing the maximum in-hole grade for the determined analytes using point statistics neighbourhood – maximum values (rectangle – 3 × 3 cell size). Areas in red indicate a higher concentration of the analyte.

Symbology – classified. Display – bilinear interpolation.

Western Australia exploration geochemistry online – harmonized open file downhole geochemistry data from November 2022 (

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