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Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Representation of the concentration (density) of mapped fault intersections within Western Australia derived from the 1: 500 000 linear structures layer

The primary data were initially filtered by faults and then processed in a GIS application to extract points at the fault intersections. A density map then was created representing the density of the fault intersections. Fault density is used as a proxy for structural complexity.

Raster image showing the density of the linear features (filtered by faults) in the neighbourhood of each output raster cell (nsre). Areas in red indicate a higher concentration of fault intersections.

Stretched (percent clip – min. and max. 0.5%). Nearest neighbour.

Cell resolution is 0.05° (5 km)

1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology structural lines

Not applicable



Point Density

Spatial analyst tool > point density

Cell size: 0.05°

Neighborhood - rectangle 3 × 3 cell

Display: nearest neighbour

Symbology: stretched – percent clip – min. and max. 0.5%

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