Hygiene sampling investigations

Investigations- (External) 

The Investigation Step-5 is available to enable industry provide details of their investigations for an  atmospheric, biological or a noise sample.     The analysis is for the whole sample (i.e. all agents) and not just for an individual agent.


Individual Samples

Details under this step become available  when there is a 'No' response to a question under the Declaration Step-4.

Sample without an exceedance

The investigation information is not mandatory for an atmospheric or noise sample where there is no exceedance .  In this instance industry may provide their analysis. To do so, tick the investigations details box and proceed to complete available fields.

To skip this step, simply click Next.


Sample with an exceedance (Declaration step ticked with a response - 'Yes' to all)

The investigation information is not mandatory for an atmospheric or noise sample where there is an exceedance and where the previous step 4 is declared 'Yes' to all.    To do so, tick the investigations details box and proceed to complete available fields.

To skip this step, simply click Next.

Sample with exceedance (Declaration step ticked with a 'No' response)

The investigation information is mandatory for a sample where there is an exceedance, and where the previous step - 4 is declared 'No' to at least one item.  The fields become available by default and must be provided.  You can provide the information at this point or alternately, to provide later, you may tick the box to provide details later.  

Tick the box to provide investigation details later for a sample with an exceedance.

The next step is to submit the notification with the investigation details filled in or to be completed at a later date (where ticked to complete later).


The investigations step for a noise sample, with or without an exceedance and is as the above procedure (for atmospheric).


The investigation step for a biological sample is mandatory for a sample submission with an exceedance (for atmospheric). 

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Page Last Modified: 21-Dec-2017