Forthcoming geophysical data releases

Thursday 29 May 2014 after 0900 AWST (UTC +8)

Airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys — FINAL data:

Images and grids of final data from the regional magnetic and radiometric surveys at line spacing of 100 m completed in January and March 2014 respectively will be available from the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) website on Latest Geophysical Surveys and via the GSWA online map application, GeoVIEW.WA.

Point-located ('vector') data and grids can be downloaded free of charge from the Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS).

•	Widgiemooltha North 2013

Thursday 26 June 2014

Capricorn 2013 airborne electromagnetic survey — FINAL data

Final datasets from the Capricorn reconnaissance airborne electromagnetic TEMPEST survey at line spacing of 5000 m completed in January 2014 will be ready for release no later than 26 June 2014. Final data checking is in progress and an earlier release date is possible if no issues emerge. Confirmation will be provided in another newsletter to be issued approximately one week before the definitive release date.

The data release package is being finalized and is anticipated to include the following datasets:

Details of the data download locations on the GSWA and Geoscience Australia (GA) websites will be provided in the definitive release newsletter. The data package will also be available on hard media for collection or dispatch by post on the day of release (USB drive, $55; external hard drive, $132) for orders submitted via the online MAGIX data request form at least three working days before the day of release.

•	Menzies South 2013

Most recent geophysical data releases



Data status

20 Feb 2014 Goldfields 2013 ground gravity survey Final
11 Nov 2013 Gravity anomaly grid (400 m) of WA 2013 – v2
25 Oct 2013 WA 1:250 000 map sheets geophysical images and grids 2013 – v1
24 Oct 2013 Menzies North 2013 airborne mag/rad survey Final
24 Oct 2013 Esperance 2013 gravity survey Final
20 Sep 2013 Radiometric anomaly grids (80 m) of WA 2013 – v1
20 Jun 2013 Magnetic anomaly grid (40 m) of WA 2013 – v1
20 Jun 2013 Magnetic anomaly grid (80 m) of WA 2013 – v2
06 Jun 2013 Widgiemooltha South 2012 airborne mag/rad survey Final

Access to previously released geophysical data

Image data from previous geophysical releases can be found on our Regional Geophysical Surveys page. Digital located and grid data can be purchased on media from Geoscience Australia or downloaded free of charge through the Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS).

Latest releases


Report 123 3D architecture and mineral prospectivity of the Gascoyne Province
by Aitken, AR, Joly, A, Dentith, MC, Johnson, SP, Thorne, AM and Tyler, IM
The USB contains:

Cost is $55 inc. GST


Record 2013/11 Geological setting of mineral deposits in the Southern Cross district — a field guide
by Doublier, MP

Record 2014/3 Regolith geochemistry and mineral prospectivity— the southeast Yilgarn Craton and east Albany–Fraser Orogen
by Scheib, AJ


These maps were produced at the request of the Western Australian Planning Commission.

Spotlight on a product

Record 2014/3 Regolith geochemistry and mineral prospectivity — the southeast Yilgarn Craton and east Albany–Fraser Orogen
by AJ Scheib

Regolith geochemistry has been widely used to evaluate mineral prospectivity in areas dominated by residual regolith, although its usefulness in areas dominated by transported regolith is less certain. This Record demonstrates that regolith geochemistry can be used to see through transported cover in the southeast Yilgarn Craton and east Albany–Fraser Orogen, providing further evidence for expansion of mineral exploration across this greenfields area. This area is largely covered by transported regolith dominated by eolian sand and colluvium, with very little exposed bedrock. However, the mineral prospectivity of the area has been highlighted by the discovery of the Tropicana–Havana gold (Au) and the Nova nickel–copper (Ni–Cu) deposits. These discoveries have prompted work by GSWA to better understand the Albany–Fraser Orogen and its relationship to the Yilgarn Craton. Such geological and geophysical mapping helps to understand and develop a geological framework, although it is important for mineral exploration to determine whether regolith geochemistry can be used to detect different bedrock types and bedrock-hosted mineralization.

Free GSWA database training 2014

Minedex Search_projects

GSWA offers FREE training in its databases and online systems.

Topics include:

The morning session is a basic introduction of how to use the programs. During the afternoon session, participants will get in-depth practice using the programs with their own examples. Both sessions assume competent computer skills. You can attend one or both sessions.



To register or for more information, email or go to

Industry seminars

These industry-related seminars may be of interest:

Subscribe to Fieldnotes

image of Fieldnotes publications

Fieldnotes is a quarterly publication released by GSWA to provide the State's exploration industry and other geoscientists with an update on our latest work and ongoing programs. The publication provides updates on other GSWA products and services and is available free from the Information Centre located on the first floor of Mineral House, 100 Plain Street, East Perth 6004. Find past issues of Fieldnotes or subscribe to receive a hard copy by emailing

Access GSWA products

You can download maps, reports, and digital information free of charge from our website.

Click on these links to take you to the download page for that product:

Hard copies

Hard copy publications are also available to purchase from the eBookshop or the First Floor counter at Mineral House, 100 Plain Street, East Perth, WA 6004.

Image of a man at sunset

Contact us

For information on publications, email
or telephone +61 8 9222 3459/ fax +61 8 9222 3444.

For information on digital data, email the Digital Data Administrator on
or telephone +61 8 9222 3816.

Physical address

Mineral House
100 Plain Street
East Perth WA 6004

Joe Lord Core Library
Corner Broadwood and Hunter Streets
West Kalgoorlie
+61 8 9022 0410

For more information about GSWA and its products, go to our website.