Western Australia’s strong resources sector continued to play a large role in the State’s development during  2016-17.

Budget expenditure

Financial Indicators Target/result ($000) Comments
Total cost of services Actual 2016-2017 155,181 The total cost of services was less than target as additional savings measures and expenditure reductions were initiated by the department to alleviate the impact of regulatory revenue shortfalls for the financial year. Total cost of services for the 2016-17 financial year is comparable to the actual for the 2015-16 financial year.
Target 2016-2017 163,667
Actual 2015-2016 154,543
Net cost of services Actual 2016-2017 75,914 Net cost of services was higher than target due to reduced collections of revenue. The department’s revenue is volatile and reflects the downturn in the resources industry which caused Mines Safety levies, Mineral Titles fees, Petroleum Titles fees and Dangerous Goods licensing fees to be lower than expected. Net cost of services for the 2016-17 financial year is comparable to the 2015-16 financial year.
Target 2016-2017 65,408
Actual 2015-2016 72,277
Total equity Actual 2016-2017 205,132 In addition to the above explanations regarding total cost of services and net cost of services, the variation is due to movements in land and building valuations for the 2016-17 financial year and a capital cash injection due to revenue shortfalls.
Target 2016-2017 210,524
Actual 2015-2016 188,241
Net increase/(decrease) in cash held Actual 2016-2017 17,433 The total increase in cash held for the 2016-17 financial year is less than target due to a combination of lower than expected revenue collections combined with the expenditure reductions initiated by the department.
Target 2016-2017 21,266
Actual 2015-2016 19,959

Further details are provided in Section 7.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Target/result (FTE) Comment
Total cost of services Actual 2016-2017 754 Actual FTE numbers were below the department’s approval ceiling and last year’s actual due the continuing implementation of the Government’s workforce renewal policy.
Ceiling 2016-2017 823
Actual 2015-2016 770


Section highlights

This annual report provides an opportunity to showcase some of the department’s achievements during the past 12 months and has been structured to reflect the services, challenges and significant outcomes outlined in the department’s strategic plan.