Department releases mining tenement position papers

Following recent court decisions regarding the administration of the Mining Act 1978 and Mining Regulations 1981, the Resource Tenure Division of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) has published a series of position papers.

The documents set out DMIRS’ policy in relation to various tenement administration matters.

An initial series of eight papers have been published, with the department planning to release more in the coming months.

The position papers should assist people applying for mining tenements and those maintaining existing granted titles.

Note: Mining tenement position papers 9, 10 and 13 are currently under review.

List of Published Papers

Mining tenement position papers - position 14 - 269 Kb

Jurisdiction to deal with an application requiring marking out

Guidance statement – Excisions of areas of land upon the grant of an application for exploration licence - 245 Kb

Stating the position of the department with regard to the excision of areas of land upon the grant of an application for an exploration licence.

Guidance statement – Use of ‘No Mining’ conditions under the Mining Act 1978 - 300 Kb

To address the use of ‘no mining’ conditions imposed on mining titles prohibiting mining activities, on certain areas within the mining tenement.

Mining tenement position papers - position 1 - 193 Kb

Annual mining tenement rent increases

Mining tenement position papers - position 2 - 151 Kb

Lodgement of caveats

Mining tenement position papers - position 3 - 201 Kb

A ‘person’ for the purposes of the mining act

Mining tenement position papers - position 4 - 170 Kb

Conditional partial surrenders in favour of general purpose leases

Mining tenement position papers - position 5 - 183 Kb

Severance of graticular exploration licence applications

Mining tenement position papers - position 6 - 215 Kb

Exploration licences – consent to transfer in the first year

Mining tenement position papers - position 7 - 172 Kb

Severance of mining leases, prospecting licences, general purpose leases

Mining tenement position papers - position 8 - 132 Kb

Dishonoured cheques in respect to applications for mining tenements

Mining tenement position papers - position 11 - 243 Kb

Conversion applications – right of priority – surrender/ forfeiture of underlying licence

Mining tenement position papers - position 12 - 181 Kb

De-registration of a company- effect on applications and granted mining tenements