DMP is responsible for ensuring the State’s resources sector is developed and managed responsibly for the benefit of all Western Australians.

Case study – Liaison officers engage with regional community

Every day brings something different for DMP’s three liaison officers based in Broome, Kalgoorlie and Karratha with prospectors, pastoralists and Local Government just some of the stakeholders they engage with.

The officers report to the Mineral Titles Division but their work encompasses all business areas within the department from dealing with land access queries, largely from prospectors, to offering guidance on the use of Geological Survey of WA databases and other online systems. They also provide advice and assistance with environmental approvals processes.

Staying in close contact with stakeholders also helps to identify emerging issues and arrange quick responses from key staff and senior management at the Perth head office to queries when  required.

The liaison officers also provide assistance to other government agencies including WA Police, respond to reports or complaints about unauthorised prospecting, travel to remote areas and provide community education.

Some of the significant work carried out in 2016-17 included:

  • Visits to remote Aboriginal communities to inform community members about the department’s role as regulator of the resources industry as well as to address any concerns raised.
  • Liaising with schools in the regions including representing DMP at various careers day events.
  • Supporting WA Police on issues about the rights and obligations of prospectors and the DMP processes and online systems currently in use. The Liaison Officer in the Pilbara is now a contact on several of the Local Emergency Management Committees (LEMC) in the event of missing  persons.
  • Regular visits to isolated areas to educate prospectors on their rights and obligations, and supply pamphlets and other mining related information to popular locations in towns that are frequented by prospectors and interstate travellers.

DMP Regional Liaison Officers Brian Lloyd (left) and Anthony Anderson (right) in the field with Dangerous Goods Officer Alex Blackman (centre).

DMP Regional Liaison Officers Brian Lloyd (left) and Anthony Anderson (right) in the field with Dangerous Goods Officer Alex Blackman (centre).

Section highlights

Our Plan for Success guides service delivery and sets the strategic vision to achieve the department’s mission: To contribute to making Western Australia the destination of choice for responsible resource exploration and development.