Management oversight
The Corporate Executive is the team of senior executives who plan, manage and lead the department. This group meets weekly to set the strategic direction and organisational values that define the programs and services delivered.
Chaired by the Director General, the Corporate Executive meets every second month to discuss strategic priorities and address submissions for decision while Mini Corporate Executive meetings are held weekly to discuss significant issues, media related matters and items for decisions. Corporate Executive regional visits take place twice a year. These include a Corporate Executive meeting, site visits and engagement with government and industry representatives from the region visited.
Statutory committees
To contribute to the effectiveness of the department and meet specific legislative obligations, various committees have been established to provide management and oversight support to the Corporate Executive. These committees provide objective administration and advice on discrete elements of the resources sector. The statutory committees include:
- Mining Rehabilitation Advisory Panel
- Occupational Safety and Health Committee
- Mines Survey Board
- Board of Examiners – First Class Mine Managers and Underground Supervisors
- Board of Examiners – Quarry Managers
- Board of Examiners – Winding Engine Drivers
There are other non-statutory, departmental, and interagency committees that provide focused advice and support to Corporate Executive.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is chaired by the Director General and provides high level governance oversight of the department. The committee acts as an advisory body with the principal aim of assisting the Director General to promote an environment of good corporate governance. Responsibilities of the committee include endorsing the Internal Audit Charter, ensuring the independence and objectivity of Internal Audit and monitoring the implementation of internal audit recommendations by management. The Audit Committee comprises two external independent members and three internal members. The internal members are the Director General (chair), the department’s Legal Counsel and the General Manager Internal Audit.
Internal Audit
In compliance with legislation, the Director General has established and maintains an effective internal audit function that operates in accordance with the Professional Practices Framework of The Institute of Internal Auditors.
The Internal Audit function operates under an approved Audit Charter as required by the Treasurer’s Instructions and, in accordance with this legislation, provides independent, objective assurance, and consulting services designed to add value and improve the department’s operations. The department’s Internal Audit mission is to enhance and protect organisational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice and insight.
The Annual Audit Plan is risk-based and is continually reviewed and amended during the year to reflect current and emerging risks. During 2016-17, work was conducted on 11 internal audits and continued to monitor the implementation of identified improvement opportunities.
Risk management
The department is committed to ensuring that all risks are identified, assessed and effectively managed. To accomplish this, the department recognises the need to align the holistic ‘top-down’ strategic assessment with the ‘bottom-up’ operational risk assessment. This is achieved through the department’s Business Continuity and Risk Management Frameworks.
Sound risk management principles and practices are a part of the normal management strategy for all branches within the department and is the responsibility of all department staff. Risk Management forms part of everyday operational and line management responsibilities and work is underway to embed it in the integrated planning process.
The department provides appropriate resources as necessary to ensure effective management of risks across all divisions and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, standards and ‘best practice’ guidelines.