Case Study – Graduate program survey success
The DMP interagency graduate program was named as the second top ranking graduate employer in Australia in 2017.
DMP’s graduate program jumped from 14th place last year, and was also ranked the top ranking graduate employer in the nation-wide survey for State Government departments for the third year in a row.
The Australian Association of Graduate Employers (AAGE) conducts the annual survey and gathers anonymous feedback from more than 2,500 graduates.
A key to DMPs success was the interagency collaboration with the Departments of State Development and Regional Development. The program offers a number of three month rotational placements across the three departments with the possibility to work in other State Government departments.
Rotations are individualised and designed to provide exposure to each department’s diverse operations, while also providing an opportunity to develop valuable skills and experience. Graduates are engaged by one of the three departments on a fixed term contract. The program runs for 18 months with a provision for permanent appointment following successful completion of the first 12 months.
AAGE is the peak industry body representing organisations that recruit and develop Australian graduates, and DMP has been a full member agency since 2006.