What is security sensitive ammonium nitrate (SSAN)?
SSAN is any substance that contains more than 45% ammonium nitrate.
The only exceptions are:
- when it is already categorised as an explosive or
- it is in a water based mixture containing two or more components and the components do not form separate layers when the product is left standing.
When is this licence required?
Any person who stores a quantity of a security sensitive ammonium nitrate at a place, in bulk or packages, must hold at least one of the following licences that relates to the security sensitive ammonium nitrate and authorises the storage of that quantity at that site:
- a security sensitive ammonium nitrate storage licence
- a security sensitive ammonium nitrate manufacture licence.
The security sensitive ammonium nitrate storage licence is issued for five years.
A separate dangerous goods storage licence is also required if the amount of security sensitive ammonium nitrate stored exceeds manifest quantities.
Refer to schedule 1 in the Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 to view the thresholds for placard and manifest quantities.
For further information on storage licence requirements When is a dangerous goods site licence required?
Schedule 1 of the Storage and Handling Regulations
Item | Description of dangerous goods | Packing group | Placarding quantity | Manifest quanity |
1 | Division 2.1 except aerosols* | N/A | 500 L | 5 000 L |
2 | Division 2.2 except aerosols | N/A | 1 000 L | 10 000 L |
3 | Division 2.3 | N/A | 50 L | 500 L |
4 | Division 2.1 and 2.2 aerosols | N/A | 5 000 L | 10 000L |
5 | Any one of Class 3, Division 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3, Division 5.1 or 5.2, Division 6.1, Class 8 or Class 9, or any combination of those classes or divisions |
I II and III (aggregate) I, II and III (aggregate) where quantity goods in packing group I does not exceed 50 kg or L |
50 kg or L 1 000 kg or L 1 000 kg or L |
500 kg or L 10 000 kg or L 10 000 kg or L |
6 | Goods too dangerous to transport | N/A | 5 kg or L | 50 kg or L |
7 | Combustible liquids with fire risk dangerous goods | N/A | 1 000 L | 10 000 L |
8 | Other combustible liquids | N/A | 10 000 L | 100 000 L |
* Excludes empty tanks [regulation 25(6)]
For the purposes of item 5 in the Table —
- all Type B Division 4.1 Self Reactive Substances that do not have a packing group assigned to them are to be taken to be assigned to packing group I;
- all Types C to F Division 4.1 Self Reactive Substances that do not have a packing group assigned to them are to be taken to be assigned to packing group II;
- all Type B Division 5.2 Organic Peroxides that do not have a packing group assigned to them are to be taken to be assigned to packing group I;
- all Types C to F Division 5.2 Organic Peroxides that do not have a packing group assigned to them are to be taken to be assigned to packing group II;
- Class 9 dangerous goods that do not have a packing group assigned to them are to be taken to be assigned to packing group III;
- all other articles and things that do not have a packing group assigned to them are to be taken to be assigned to packing group II.

When is a security sensitive ammonium nitrate (SSAN) storage licence not required?
A licence is not required if a person:
- already holds
- a shotfirer licence that relates to security sensitive ammonium nitrate and does not store more than 100 kg for use at the site
- an explosives storage licence that involves storage of a security sensitive ammonium nitrate as if it were an explosive
- a security sensitive ammonium nitrate fertiliser licence
- controls and manages a commercial laboratory, and
- stores the security sensitive ammonium nitrate in a laboratory for analytical or research purposes that do not involve the manufacture of an illegal product
- there is not more than 3 kg of any security sensitive ammonium nitrate in the laboratory
- is an educational institution or government organisation, or employed by one, and
- stores the security sensitive ammonium nitrate at the premises of the institution or organisation for analytical, educational or research purposes that do not involve the manufacture of an illegal product
- there is not more than 3 kg of any security sensitive ammonium nitrate at the premises
- holds a security sensitive ammonium nitrate transport licence, and
- stores the security sensitive ammonium nitrate at the site while it is in transit
- stores the security sensitive ammonium nitrate at the site in containers that are not opened at the site
- security sensitive ammonium nitrate are not used at the site.
Licences are not issued for the storage of security sensitive ammonium nitrate products used for household use (including cold packs) or fertilisation of recreational facilities.
Who can apply?
Licences can be granted to an individual, body corporate or partnership.
Individuals must be at least 21 years of age.
Use of an accredited consultant
To develop the submission, it is recommended that those intending to apply for a licence engage a dangerous goods consultant accredited to prepare and submit security sensitive ammonium nitrate applications. The consultant will normally complete the application form on the applicant’s behalf, but the intended licensee must sign the application.
Applications submitted without accredited consultant endorsement may take up to three months to process and a checking fee applies. Deficient submissions will take longer to process.
Refer to What is the role of accredited dangerous goods consultants? for a list of consultants.
Required supporting information
The completed application must be signed by the intended licensee and lodged with the following supporting information:
- Security plan
- Security clearance
- Details of any conviction and/or charge pending relating to a relevant offence
- Proof of identity - certified documents showing the name of the entity
Failure to provide the required documentation will delay processing of applications.
The following information may assist in obtaining the required supporting information.
Security plan
A security plan is a pre-condition for obtaining a licence. The content of a security plan is prescribed in the Dangerous Goods Safety (Security Sensitive Ammonium Nitrate) Regulations 2007, which require licence holders to develop a written document including a security risk assessment and other prescribed elements.
To assist in developing your security plan, a template has been developed and copies are available from the Department website.
Use of this template is not mandatory; however, the security plan should sufficiently address the national Ammonium Nitrate Guidance Note No. 2, Storage.
See What is required for security sensitive ammonium nitrate licences? for more information on security plans and security clearances.
Security clearance
Security sensitive ammonium nitrate licences are only issued to applicants in possession of a valid security clearance, which is a pre-condition of the licensing process.
For more information on security clearances refer to Security clearances
Relevant offence
Applicants must disclose details of any “relevant offence” for which they have been convicted, or have charges pending. A relevant offence is an offence against:
- the Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 (Act), or any regulations made under the Act
- a law of another place that substantially corresponds to the Act or the regulations made under it.
Proof of identity
Licences can be issued to an individual, body corporate, partnership or trust.
For more information on proof of identity go to How do I prove my identity?
Application fee
Only the licence fee for the first year of the licence is to be lodged with the application. Licence fees for subsequent years will be billed annually.
A checking fee applies for new applications without accredited consultant endorsement.
The checking fees are equal to the licence fee payable with the application.
Go to Schedule of fees and charges for more information on licence fees.
Lodging the application
The completed and signed application form must be accompanied by:
- all support documents
- the fee, payable at lodgement
- this can be paid by credit card
- application to be lodged online
Related information
Transporting dangerous goods in limited quantities
Reporting an incident
Security sensitive ammonium nitrate licence holders have a responsibility to report incidents and accidents arising from their activities, including unexplained losses or theft.
Accessing security sensitive ammonium nitrate
People with unsupervised access to security sensitive ammonium nitrate require a security clearance (typically a dangerous goods security card). Additionally, the card holder also requires authorisation from the security sensitive ammonium nitrate licence holder to have unsupervised access to the security sensitive ammonium nitrate.
This establishes that the employee has an operational need and the competence to have unsupervised access to security sensitive ammonium nitrate, and gives the person the legal status of a secure nominee.
It is an offence for a security sensitive ammonium nitrate licence holder or secure nominees to allow unsupervised access to security sensitive ammonium nitrate by a person without security clearance.
There are templates available for authorisation of unsupervised and supervised access to security sensitive ammonium nitrate.
A security clearance or authorisation as a secure nominee is required for any unsupervised activity associated with security sensitive ammonium nitrate of any quantity.
Other guidance
Applicable legislation
Contact details
For any enquiries please contact Dangerous Goods Licensing:
Phone: (08) 6251 2300
Email: cso@dmirs.wa.gov.au