The Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) is a Western Australian State Government initiative that aims to encourage exploration in Western Australia, for the long-term sustainability of the State’s resources sector and the demand for critical minerals on the transition to a net-zero energy system.

The EIS State Government initiative started in April 2009. In July 2019, the EIS was funded on an ongoing basis using funds raised through Mining Tenement Rents.
The EIS aims to stimulate greenfields resource exploration to increase knowledge of the State’s geology and resources, increase employment opportunities, and generate new mineral and energy discoveries to support the demand for critical minerals to assist the State’s transition to net zero.
EIS is managed by the Geological Survey and Resource Strategy Division (GSRSD) within the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS).
EIS co-funded government – industry grant programs
For more information or to apply to a program, select from links below.
Co-funded Drilling Program This program directly supports explorers in Western Australia though a competitive program which offers co-funding to innovative exploration drilling projects.
Co-funded Geophysics Program This program directly supports explorers in Western Australian through a competitive program which offers co-funding to greenfields geophysical surveys.
Co-funded Energy Analysis Program This program directly supports exploration in Western Australia by offering co-funding to projects that assess petroleum or geothermal systems within the State.
EIS pre-competitive data acquisition
For more information on current and upcoming pre-competitive data acquisition projects, select from the links below.
Deep crustal seismic Deep crustal 2D seismic will be undertaken in the 2023-2024 across the southwest of Western Australia.
Geophysical surveys Continuous acquisition of high-quality geophysical data, including State coverage of aeromagnetic and radiometric data. Free to download on our website.
Collaborative research Characterising depth of cover to facilitate deep exploration, understanding basement evolution, and providing smarter data management across databases.
Petrophysics An ongoing program of long-term systematic petrophysical measurement from drillcore samples.
EIS economic independent impact reports
2015 ACIL Allen Consulting Confirms the strong multiplier effect of the EIS ‘for every $1 m invested in the EIS, the long run expected net benefit to the State, in terms of higher GSP is $23.7 m’
2019 Economic Consulting Services Outlines a target of a $5 m increase in GSP for each $1 m spent was achieved for the two years the EIS was funded under the Royalties for Regions scheme.
2020 The University of Western Australia Demonstrating that the central estimate for the total return to Western Australia per dollar invested in the EIS is $31 (95% CI $18.5 to $44).
eBookshop Results of completed work are freely available through various departmental databases and the eBookshop.
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