The Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) assesses and promotes the prospectivity of petroleum (oil, hydrocarbon gas, helium and hydrogen), coal, geothermal energy and potential for CO2 sequestration to stimulate exploration of sedimentary basins in Western Australia. Assessment is based on the interpretation of existing and new data that are gathered on geology, geophysics, geochemistry and temperature.

Well Log correlation of selected wells in the Canning Basin showing variable thickness of the Lower Permian Grant Group
GSWA’s work is focused on:
- the Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic Amadeus, Officer and Murraba Basins
- the Paleozoic to Mesozoic Canning, Carnarvon, Perth and Bonaparte Basins
Collaborative projects are undertaken with academic organisations and industry. Energy geoscience information gathered by GSWA is made available for the benefit of resource companies, research groups, other government agencies and the wider community. Knowledge is disseminated via GSWA's databases and publications.
Access information on acreage release.
Major prospective areas A reference guide outlining some of the major petroleum prospective sedimentary basins in Western Australia.
Accelerated Geoscience Program New datasets will accelerate understanding of the State's geology and mineral prospectivity
WA Basins Stratigraphic Drilling Details on the geological outcomes from GSWA stratigraphic drilling within WA basins.
Geothermal energy The search for viable green-energy sources is gaining momentum, as the hot rocks beneath parts of the Australia's surface are mapped out.
Geosequestration GSWA is evaluating the State’s potential for geological carbon storage in deep geological formations underground.
Petroleum and Geothermal Information (WAPIMS) WAPIMS is a database of titles, wells, geophysical surveys, and other petroleum and geothermal energy exploration and production data.
Deep crustal seismic reflection surveys Exploring how the different components of the Western Australian landmass are configured and how they came together.
Paleontology Paleontology provides critical geological age and paleoenvironmental data for ancient and recent basins across Western Australia.
Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) EIS supports exploration in Western Australia through precompetitive data and a co-funding program for innovative exploration drilling.
Core library services and drillcore The department’s core libraries hold a wealth of petroleum and mineral drillcore and core-related information.
GSWA publications and maps The department’s eBookshop contains almost 5000 geological products including books, maps and data packages.
HyLogger spectral scanner The HyLogger is a rapid spectroscopic logging and digital imaging system that uses visible and infrared spectroscopy to safely examine core.
GSWA strategic priorities Outlines GSWA’s long-term priorities to support the responsible use of the State’s resources
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