Most of the publicly available petroleum and geothermal data can be accessed via online systems. These services provide essential reference material for anyone exploring Western Australia for petroleum and geothermal resources.
Annual Statistics Find current infromation on Production, Seismic and Drilling statistics for Western Australia.

Petroleum and Geothermal Register (PGR)
PGR is an online electronic titles register that administers title information and monitors approvals.
PGR provides full access to public information. Users need to complete the free registration via the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety's (DMIRS) single sign-on system to gain access. Once registered, single sign-on provides access to PGR and other departmental systems.
For access to online payments, lodgement of applications and non-public information, a secure login is required which is restricted to business users to ensure confidentiality is maintained. PGR’s online lodgement and payments module enables industry to lodge an application, register and pay title search and annual fees online. Fees can be paid via credit card, electronic funds transfer (EFT) or direct debit.
Online submissions of petroleum compliance data is now available through PGR. It provides industry with the ability to submit petroleum data required under the petroleum act and regulations. The data submissions are managed and tracked online, so that the whole process is logged and accountable.
Users must be registered against a company in order to access the online submission system. The data received are strictly confidential; only data lodged by the Company you are registered for will be displayed.
Online submission of petroleum compliance data allows online lodgement and tracking of the following:
- Well Activity and Completion Reports and Data
- Surveys Reports and Data
- Titles Reports and General Study Reports
The system also specifies the format and the media required for data submitted, provides templates and allows uploading of files up to 150Mb.
Western Australian Petroleum and Geothermal Information Management System (WAPIMS)
WAPIMS is an exploration database containing data on titles, wells, geophysical surveys and other non-confidential petroleum exploration data submitted to the department by the petroleum industry.
Data includes well header data, biostratigraphy, reservoir characteristics, velocity and directional surveys, and organic geochemistry. WAPIMS also contains lists with physical assets submitted to the department and the facility to order them online. WAPIMS releases all information arising out of petroleum exploration activities within Western Australia’s State jurisdiction (onshore and State waters) together with Commonwealth area activities with the release date prior to 1 January 2012.
For information on petroleum exploration activities in Commonwealth waters off Western Australia released after 1 January 2012, please contact Geoscience Australia at the following email address
The WAPIMS system also contains information on how to access petroleum physical assets (e.g. core cuttings and paleontological material).
Contact the Geoscience Data Officer for further information on the availability of digital data.
Petroleum Exploration Information Branch
Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
100 Plain Street
Interactive geological map — GeoVIEW.WA
GeoVIEW.WA is an online GIS-based mapping tool that allows users to view, query and map various geology, resources and related datasets. Users can construct and print a customised geological map and incorporate other petroleum exploration datasets including petroleum wells and active leases.
Royalties Online
Royalties Online allows mineral and petroleum producers to prepare, lodge and view royalty returns and production reports online.
Data reporting requirements
Whenever any exploration or production activity is conducted in Western Australia under any of the three petroleum Acts, there are reporting requirements that need to be met by the registered holder(s).
The statutory requirements for data submission to the department are outlined in the guidelines for data submission required under Western Australian and Commonwealth Petroleum legislation, which is available from the ebookshop.
This guide assists industry in managing data submission requirements. It will be modified with changes to petroleum legislation and supporting regulations. In the event of disagreement between this guide and current legislation or directions, the latter will prevail. The two main purposes of reporting are to ensure work complies with the Acts, and make this information available to the public to further the search for petroleum in Western Australia.
All information and data submitted to the department in accordance with legislation remains confidential until the information is eligible for public release.