The Program regularly engages its stakeholders to proactively consider the needs and desires of current and future users of GSWA data. Outcomes will have a varying impact on internal and external stakeholders and interest levels are significant. The Program’s stakeholder engagement is centred around these core values:
Diversity: The Program aims to include as many sectors as possible across its broad and complex stakeholder base to achieve diversity of contribution.
Access: The Program will consider barriers to engagement, including geographic location as well as physical and digital accessibility.
Frequency: The Program aims to communicate its engagement according to levels of impact and influence at an appropriate pace.
External Reference Group
In 2023, an External Reference Group (ERG) was raised in an effort to adequately consult and collaborate with Program stakeholders. Members were selected by the GDTP Board and also self-nominated; membership was curated to offer the most diverse coverage across the stakeholder base.
The first face-to-face meeting of the ERG was in March 2023.
Focus Groups
Focus groups are raised in accordance with the needs of The Program throughout its lifetime with the aim of ensuring the Program is as collaborative as possible. They may be raised at different times and for different engagement purposes; they are generally populated from the External Reference Group. Focus groups are generally aligned with the seven internal working groups that manage different elements of the data framework and operating approach.
If you would like to enquire about participation, please email GDTP@dmirs.wa.gov.au