The proposed data framework has five core elements
1. Capture of externally generated data that will be entered by industry into our systems via the Lodgement Portal; and internally generated data that will be entered into our systems through various data entry applications.
2. Optimise the data by applying a common structure, consistent meta data tags, and standardised naming conventions and definitions, as well as quality assessments and error resolution to ensure all our data is consistent and aligned to maximise integration, searching, and sharing.
3. Manage all data in a secure, cloud based, data lake storage system that supports integration with our core applications.
4. Access raw and processed data in a variety of formats for interrogation and analysis through the Discovery Portal for external users and the My Geology Portal for internal users.
5. Share data and information and use sophisticated tools and interpretative skills to identify new insights and opportunities for future development.
These five elements form the foundation of the development of an operating framework as detailed below: