Extensive mining and mineral exploration has occurred in Western Australia since the mid-1800s resulting in thousands of historical mining features becoming the responsibility of the State.
Stay out, stay safe and report abandoned mine features

The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) maintains an inventory of abandoned mine features available to the public via MINEDEX and GeoVIEW.WA by selecting the ‘Abandoned Mine Inventory’ map layer. The inventory was previously developed by the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) and comprises records collected between 1999 and 2011. Records have not been added or updated since this time.
DMIRS encourages industry and the community to report abandoned mine features so that the department can build on the existing inventory. Information provided will assist the department to identify risks and prioritise programs in line with the Abandoned Mine Policy.
If you know of or locate what you believe to be an abandoned mine feature, please complete the Report an abandoned mine form and email to AbandonedMines@dmirs.wa.gov.au. Photographs or a map may be included as attachments.
To discuss reporting features in an alternative format, please contact the Abandoned Mines team at AbandonedMines@dmirs.wa.gov.au.
What is an abandoned mine feature?
Abandoned mine features are disturbances to the land caused by mining and/or exploration such as mine shafts, waste landforms, buildings and abandoned equipment for which no individual, company or organisation can be held responsible for rehabilitation. An abandoned mine site may comprise multiple features.
When will reported risks be addressed?
Reporting of an abandoned mine feature does not create a commitment or guarantee from DMIRS that it will address the risks identified. The department takes a statewide approach to assessing risks and prioritising the management and/or rehabilitation of features and as such, sites identified may not be immediately addressed.
Landholders retain responsibility for minimising risk of harm to people entering their land.
Warning: Abandoned mines are dangerous places and any recording of information should be done at a safe distance. Do not enter abandoned mines. Some of the hazards associated with these features have been outlined by the DMIRS Safety Regulation Group.
For more information on how the Western Australian State Government is addressing the risks associated with abandoned mine features through management and rehabilitation view Abandoned Mines Program.
Abandoned Mines Team
Email: AbandonedMines@dmirs.wa.gov.au
Media enquiries
Email: media@dmirs.wa.gov.au
Phone: +61 8 9222 6102