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Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA)
Safety in the community
Parallel Decision-Making Policy - 330 Kb
Decision-making in parallel to an environmental approvals process
Administrative agreement between DMIRS and DBCA - 319 Kb
An agreement to provide effective communication and cooperation between the two departments.
Administrative Agreement between DMIRS and DWER - 619 Kb
Administrative Agreement between the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safetyand the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
Updated Environmental Objectives Policy for Mining - 220 Kb
Identifying the environmental objectives for decision making under the Mining Act 1978.
Mining Securities Policy – Administration for compliance with environmental conditions - December 2020 - 266 Kb
Policy for decisions on the requirement, lodgement, variation, enforcement and retirement of Unconditional Performance Bonds as mining securities for compliance with environmental conditions.
Abandoned Mines Policy - January 2016 - 688 Kb
This policy is a whole of government statement regarding abandoned mines.
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