Note: Obtaining information from this Directory must be for the legitimate purposes of doing business with and within the department, and must not be used for unsolicited bulk emailing (spamming) or similar purposes
Minerals / mining environmental assessments advice
Minerals/mining environment queries (general advice)
For general queries relating to assessments speak to an Environmental Officer
Environmental Officer general advice - Tel: + 61 8 9222 3737
Mining Environmental Compliance Branch
Laura Copeland, Acting General Manager - Tel: +61 8 9222 3774 Email:
Exploration (statewide Mining Act 1978)
Exploration and Prospecting (statewide, PoWs, Eligible Mining Activities)
Lawson Brandis, Team Leader Exploration Environment - Tel: +61 8 9222 3718 Email:
Environmental Officer general advice on PoWs and EMAs - Tel: + 61 8 9222 3737
Mining proposals, clearing permits, mine closure and rehabilitation, incident reporting
State signficant proposals (statewide - minerals environment)
Matt Boardman, Team Leader Mining North - Tel: +61 8 9222 3589 Email:
North Inspectorate (Mineral Fields 08, 09, 20, 21, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52)
Matt Boardman, Team Leader Mining North - Tel: +61 8 9222 3589 Email:
South Inspectorate (Mineral Fields 01, 12, 57, 58, 59, 63, 66, 70, 74, 77)
Lindsay Bourke, Team Leader Mining South - Tel: +61 8 9222 3049 Email:
Goldfields Inspectorate (Mineral Fields 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 53, 69)
Laura Copeland, Team Leader Mining Goldfields - Tel: +61 8 9222 3774 Email:
Mine Closure and Environmental Services Branch
Danielle Risbey, Acting General Manager - Tel: +61 8 9222 3593 Email:
Native Vegetation Clearing Permits (Part V of Environmental Protection Act 1986)
Alicia Dudzinska, Team Leader Native Vegetation - Tel: +61 8 9222 3231 Email:
Incident reporting, compliance and enforcement (Mining Act 1978)
Demelza Dravnieks, Team Leader Compliance and Enforcement - Tel: +61 8 9222 3241 Email:
Mine Closure and Technical Advice (mining, environment)
Danielle Risbey, Team Leader Mine Closure and Environmental Services - Tel: +61 8 9222 3593 Email:
Petroleum and energy environmental assessments and advice
Petroleum and Energy Compliance Branch
Ikae Brown, General Manager Petroleum and Energy Compliance - Tel: +61 8 9222 3056 Email:
Petroleum Environment Plans, Oil Spill Contingency Plans
Rosemarie De Bari, Acting Team Leader Petroleum Environment - Tel: +61 8 9222 3152 Email:
Notification of mining and petroleum environment incidents
Applications and Lodgement
Status of environmental applications
Check the status of your environmental application through the EARS/EARS 2 online systems.
EARS online / EARS 2 help
For technical issues with the Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System (EARS) please contact our IT Service Desk |
Ph: +61 8 9222 0777 |
For general EARS online / EARS 2 enquiries |
Ph: +61 8 9222 3535 |
Mining Rehabilitation Fund
MRF team |
If you require assistance please call or email the MRF team |