Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS)

The Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) is a Western Australian State Government initiative that aims to encourage exploration in Western Australia, for the long-term sustainability of the State’s resources sector and the demand for critical minerals on the transition to a net-zero energy system.
Redirection target is https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/geological-survey-of-western-australia/exploration-incentive-scheme-eis

EIS header

The EIS State Government initiative started in April 2009. In July 2019, the EIS was funded on an ongoing basis using funds raised through Mining Tenement Rents.

The EIS aims to stimulate greenfields resource exploration to increase knowledge of the State’s geology and resources, increase employment opportunities, and generate new mineral and energy discoveries to support the demand for critical minerals to assist the State’s transition to net zero.

EIS is managed by the Geological Survey and Resource Strategy Division (GSRSD) within the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS).

EIS co-funded government – industry grant programs

For more information or to apply to a program, select from links below.

EIS pre-competitive data acquisition

For more information on current and upcoming pre-competitive data acquisition projects, select from the links below.


For further information contact: