The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) responsibilities include:
- administering the State’s mineral and petroleum royalties to ensure the community receives an appropriate return from the development of its mineral and petroleum resources
- developing and providing royalty policy advice
- implementing royalty policy through advice and management of appropriate legislation and royalty systems.
In 2014–15, the former Department of Mines and Petroleum collected more than $5.3 billion in royalties from mineral and petroleum producers in Western Australia.
These royalty funds are paid to the State Government and used for law enforcement, education, health, roads and community development programs.
More detailed information about mineral and petroleum royalties and associated legislation is available through the links below.
Mineral production in Western Australia is diverse and includes some 50 different minerals in commercial production. Under the Mining Act 1978 (WA), royalties are payable on all minerals.
Petroleum royalties collected for onshore projects are retained by the State Government; offshore royalties are shared between the State and Commonwealth in accordance with the relevant legislation.