IT Services provides a single point of contact for all technical computing support services for users of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) website and online systems.
Note: Obtaining information from this Directory must be for the legitimate purposes of doing business with and within the department, and must not be used for unsolicited bulk emailing (spamming) or similar purposes.
IT Service Desk
For technical problems or questions related to the Department's computer systems please contact our IT Service Desk The IT Service Desk is available Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm (GMT+8) |
Ph: +61 8 9222 0777 Fax: +61 8 9222 3110 Email: |
Manage your Account - FAQ
New users can sign up for a login and password to access the departments online systems; current users can modify their account details or find support for lost passwords.
For technical issues with Mineral Titles Online (MTO), Tengraph, Western Australian Mineral Exploration Index (WAMEX) or, Safety Regulation System (SRS) please refer to these troubleshooting tips before contacting the IT Service Desk.
- Please check if your online system is listed in the grey box below, and if so, follow the links to manage your account:
- Geophysical Survey Index (MAGIX) customers, use the new support links immediately below on the left; and
- All other customers, your support links are listed immediately below on the right.
For general help using the TENGRAPH system and interpreting mining tenement information please contact the Mining Information Centre or your regional mining registrar's office.
Mining Information Centre
Phone: +61 (08) 9222 3626
For TENGRAPH access, logon or technical issues please contact the Department's IT Service Desk.
DMIRS IT Service Desk
Phone: +61 8 9222 0777
All other technical problems or questions please contact our IT Service Desk. The IT Service Desk is available Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) between the hours of: 8:30 am and 5:00 pm (GMT+8) |
Ph: +61 8 9222 0777 Fax: +61 8 9222 3110 Email: |
Mineral Titles Online (MTO)
For technical issues with MTO, please refer to these troubleshooting tips before contacting the IT Service Desk.
Windows 7 and Vista’s default security model uses a Secure Socket Layer Protocol which, if unaltered, causes a very slow response to resolving the log on page for MTO.
Technical problems or questions please contact our IT Service Desk |
Ph: +61 8 9222 0777 Fax:+61 8 9222 3110 Email: |
General Mineral Titles Online enquiries | Ph: +61 8 9222 3030 Fax: +61 8 9222 3342 Email: |
Geological Survey Online Systems
Geological Survey Online Systems information | Email: |
Data and Software Centre
Data and Software Centre information | Email: |
GeoVIEW.WA information | Email: |
Geophysics and remote sensing - MAGIX
MAGIX information | Email: |
Mineral Exploration Information - WAMEX
Note: Google Chrome does not allow download of documents from WAMEX. The web browser must be Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox.
General Mineral Exploration Information (WAMEX) enquiries | Email: |
All other technical problems or questions please contact our IT Service Desk. |
Ph: +61 8 9222 0777 Fax: +61 8 9222 3110 Email: |
Petroleum Exploration Information - WAPIMS
WAPIMS information | Email: |
Commodity and Industry Analysis - MINEDEX
MINEDEX information | Email: |
Explanatory Notes System (ENS)
ENS information | Email: |
Safety Regulation System (SRS)
For technical issues with the Safety Regulation System (SRS) please contact our IT Service Desk |
Ph: +61 8 9222 0777 Fax: +61 8 9222 3110 Email: |
General Safety Regulation System (SRS) enquiries | Ph: +61 8 9358 8001 Email: |
EARS online / EARS 2 / Resources Online
For technical issues with the Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System (EARS) or Resources Online please contact our IT Service Desk |
Ph: +61 8 9222 0777 Email: |
For general EARS online / EARS 2 enquiries | Ph: +61 8 9222 3535 Email: |
For general Resources Online enquiries |
Petroleum Geothermal Register (PGR)
For technical issues with the Petroleum Geothermal Register (PGR) please contact our IT Service Desk The IT Service Desk is available Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm (GMT+8) |
Ph: +61 8 9222 0777 Fax: +61 8 9222 3110 Email: |
If you have queries on how to use the Petroleum Geothermal Register (PGR) or about information displayed in the system | Ph: +61 8 9222 3550 Email: |