EIS government co-funded Energy Analysis Program

Redirection target is https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/geological-survey-of-western-australia/co-funded-energy-analysis-program

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The Co-funded Energy Analysis Program (EAP) is an initiative to encourage exploration of petroleum and geothermal resources in the state of Western Australia. It is a component of the Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS), funded by the Western Australian State Government and administered by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (Department).


The EAP will fund projects under two categories:

  • EAP – analysis and reprocessing
  • EAP – geophysics acquisition

The EAP – analysis and reprocessing category makes funding available for analysis of existing state resources (core, sidewall core, cuttings, and oil, condensate, water, and gas samples), to allow re-analysis of existing data (e.g. reprocessing or desktop studies).

The EAP – geophysics acquisition category makes funding available for acquisition of greenfields geophysical data to achieve better resolution and understanding of petroleum and geothermal systems.

To see full eligibility criteria and rules for each category please see the guidelines and funding agreement documents for each category below.

Funding for drilling programs is allocated separately please see Co-funded Exploration Drilling Program. (EIS government co-funded exploration drilling (dmp.wa.gov.au)


The Co-funded Energy Analysis Program will run one Series per year with a funding cap of $1 M per Series. Analysis and Reprocessing category projects will be allowed to claim up to 50% of project costs, up to $50,000 (ex GST) per project. Geophysics Acquisition category projects will be able to claim up to 50% of project costs, up to $250,000 (ex GST) per project. For full details, please refer to the guidelines.

