The primary objective of the YOM deep seismic reflection survey was to image the western Officer Basin, one of Australia’s underexplored frontier sedimentary basins. In addition, this survey gathered new data to improve the understanding of the eastern Yilgarn Craton and its boundary with the Musgrave Province.

The survey was jointly funded by Geoscience Australia (GA) through their Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP) and the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) through its Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS). The survey was designed to gather pre-competitive geophysical data. The main aim was to expand the scientific knowledge of water resources, potential geothermal sites, petroleum prospectivity, and mineral exploration potential.
This data supplements the 2010 Youanmi deep crustal reflection and MT survey and the 2001 Yilgarn deep crustal seismic survey. Combined, it will create a comprehensive dataset that crosses most of central Western Australia.
The data have now been interpreted and the preliminary results released at a public workshop held at the department’s Perth headquarters in June 2013. The extended abstract volume and accompanying material, including the PowerPoint presentations, are available for download from the Public release data below. The migrated uninterpreted and interpreted seismic sections are available for download (in multiple formats) directly from Geoscience Australia. All MT data are available for download from the Airborne Geophysics Index (MAGIX) layers using GSWA’s interactive map-viewing application GeoVIEW.WA.

Cross-section images
Final stack_11gayo1_6s_pt1
Final stack_11gayo1_6s_pt2
Final stack_11gayo1_22s
The YOM seismic data is available from Geoscience Australia.
Publicly released data
The workshop consisted of 11 presentations and was accompanied by the release of a series of extended abstracts and geological plates. All of the data including the PowerPoint presentations can be downloaded from the links below.
Geoscience Australia Record 2013/028 Yilgarn Craton — Officer Basin — Musgrave Province Seismic and MT workshop