The Mineral Systems Atlas is an evolving, interactive GIS-based platform that delivers tailored data layers relevant to Western Australian mineral deposits. Layer content is defined using a Mineral Systems Analysis approach, and derived from primary Geological Survey geoscience data. Atlas users can compile any combination of mineral system layers, learn how the derived layers were created, and export these layers and underlying data for use in their own GIS platforms.
The Mineral Systems Atlas has two principal parts:
- An online GIS-based Atlas that allows users to view, query, and map various geology, resources and related datasets. These integrated statewide data are regularly updated. Users can construct and print a customized geological map (by chosen area and scale) and incorporate other mineral and exploration datasets.
- An online Guide that describes each mineral system in the Atlas. The Guide includes detailed information about each deposit model, the targeted mineralization types, critical ore-forming processes, and explanations of the contents of the derived layers and how they were created.

Mineral Systems Atlas interface

Mineral Systems Atlas Guide
The Mineral Systems Atlas is an online GIS-based tool that allows users to view, query, and map various geology, resources and related datasets.
The Guide includes detailed information about each deposit model, the targeted ore types, critical ore-forming processes, as well as descriptions about the derived layers and how they were created.
NOTE: The Mineral Systems Atlas will run in web browsers that support HTML5.
Advanced Functionality
- Mineral Systems Atlas Guide – Opens the Mineral Systems Atlas Guide (where all related documentation is stored).
- Download Individual Mineral Systems – All layers associated with any mineral system are available as packages to download in ArcGIS and MapInfo file formats.
- Same area in GeoVIEW.WA – Opens approximately the same viewing extent of the Atlas in GeoVIEW.WA, allowing users to operate both systems at the same time.
- Upload Data – Users can upload their own data in the following formats: .csv, .xlsx, .kml, .shp, .gpx, or a .zip containing a FileGDB, or shapefiles.
- Refine Data – Provides search and filter options to further interrogate layers of interest.
Please refer to the ‘What’s New?’ button in the Atlas to find a summary of the latest changes.
Contact Mineral Systems Atlas
To provide feedback or request further information: