Registration arrangements are aimed at maintaining a comprehensive record of granted titles granted and related transfers and dealings affecting those titles. Provisions have has been made under legislation to assist in keeping the Petroleum Register up-to-date.
Registration of a dealing
An application for approval and registration of a dealing affecting a title should briefly and clearly set out the following information:
- the effect or effects of the dealing in terms of the effects specified in the Act (e.g. unconditional farm-in, amended joint operating agreement etc.)
- any proposed participating interests in the title of each party to the dealing
- prior dealings which are relevant
- the consideration for the dealing, including the consideration for the relevant prior dealings
- the nature of any related corporations and the other factors necessary for consideration as to whether a related corporations registration fee is appropriate
- any other matters to help determine the appropriate registration fee.
If a commercial transaction involves a dealing affecting more than one title, a separate application must be lodged for approval of the dealing in respect of each affected title. To apply for a dealing affecting a title, complete the relevant online application via the Petroleum and Geothermal Register (PGR). Dealing Summaries are available for download under Petroleum Forms.
Transfer of title
An application for approval of a title transfer may be lodged by any of the parties to the transfer. The application should clearly set out the following information:
- names of the companies that will hold the title and details of the proposed participating interests of those companies
- any prior dealings relevant to the approval
- details of the consideration for the relevant prior dealings
- the nature of the related corporations and the other factors necessary for considering whether a related corporations registration fee is appropriate
- any other matters to help determine the appropriate registration fee.
If a commercial transaction involves the transfer of more than one title granted, a separate application must be lodged for each title being transferred. To apply for the transfer of a title, complete the relevant online application via the Petroleum and Geothermal Register (PGR). Instrument of Transfer forms are available for download under Petroleum Forms.
Devolution of title
To apply for a devolution of a title, download the relevant form via the Petroleum and Geothermal Register (PGR) and submit online with the following information:
- the original instrument evidencing the devolution (document showing sufficient evidence that the holder’s rights have devolved by operation of law), executed by all parties to the devolution, together with one executed or certified copy, and two copies of the application form
- a brief description of the devolution
- participating interests held by the devolutor(s) and subsequent participating interests of the Devolutee
- incoming corporation(s) and its relationship to any major corporation or group, substantial shareholding, directors, principal business activity and place of incorporation/business (where a current annual report reveals all the above information such is acceptable)
- incoming corporation's financial status and its ability to fund its share of the venture
- technical expertise of, and available to, the incoming corporation and particulars of other current and previous involvements in petroleum exploration and development
- where devolution is submitted under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969, provide a completed Registration Form B2 from the Land Information Authority (Landgate) for the registration of new titleholders against the easements under the Transfer of Land Act 1893 as amended
- where an incoming corporation is well known to the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, and has provided the information under two, three and four within recent times, the requirements to provide that information is not necessary
- any time constraints written into the instrument should be highlighted.
Relinquishment and nomination for service of documents
To apply for a surrender or partial surrender of petroleum and geothermal tenure in accordance with the Petroleum Geothermal and Energy Resources Act 1967 and the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 and to Nominate a Registered Holder for Service of Documents
Download and submit the appropriate form via the Petroleum and Geothermal Register (PGR).