- Hydraulic fracture inquiry: State Government’s Implementation Plan The Implementation Plan details the actions to implement the government’s policy and Scientific Inquiry recommendations
- What is hydraulic fracturing Hydraulic fracture stimulation is an underground petroleum extraction process
- Chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing The Commonwealth and State Government regulates chemicals to ensure they are used in an environmentally responsible manner
- Well design and integrity for hydraulic fracturing Well integrity prevents or reduces the risk of a petroleum well releasing fluids into the surrounding environment
- Introduction to unconventional resources Oil and natural gas trapped in less permeable rocks is referred to as an unconventional resource
- Environmental spill incidents The State Government monitors spill incidents and implements a robust compliance and enforcement regime
- Water use and management for hydraulic fracturing The State Government sustainably manages the amount and quality of water available for Western Australia’s growth and development
- Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation The State Government’s role in improving community understanding.