Under Quality Management standard AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015, the Department of Mines, Industry Regualtion and Safety's Resource and Environmental Regualtion Group (with the exception of the Geological Survey and Resource Strategy Division) is certified to:
- Provide leadership and excellence in the delivery of regulatory services and policy advice to improve environmental outcomes for mining, petroleum and geothermal exploration and development;
- Provide a regulatory environment that enables the responsible development of petroleum and geothermal energy resources of Western Australia;
- The managment and assement of applications for the grant of resource titles including native title assement processes, setting conditions, bond management, regulation of compliance with rent, expenditure and reporting obligations; and
- Committed to achieving quality within all the organisations area of responsibility associated with administering petroleum and mineral royalty legislation.
The AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 Certificate of Registration confirms that the Resource and Compliance Division (REC) and the Resource Tenure Division's (RT) management systems comply with the requirements of that standard for provision of resource tenure, compliance and regulatory services and policy advice to the Minister for Mines and Petroleum.
What is Quality Assurance?
The Divisions have adopted Quality Assurance (QA), a customer focused strategy, to enhance the effectiveness of all its activities - maximising reliability and performance. The strategy, with continuous improvement, systemic documentation and regular internal audits, aims to meet specifications of the International Quality Management standard ISO 9001:2015 across all of the Divisions activities.
The Executive Director REC and the Executive Director RT are committed to comply with requirements and to continually improve the effectiveness in the Quality Policy.
The policy is reviewed on an annual basis.
Why Quality Assurance?
Effective QA helps promote credibility about the integrity of management processes, and gives the Divisions a stronger customer focus - to which they are already committed. As a pre-condition, QA requires a Quality Policy, Business Online systems, Records and Forms/Templates of all divisional related processes and training to meets the specified requirements of the customer and quality objectives at a consistent level.
Implementing Quality Assurance
The Divisonal Leadership Teams are responsible for ensuring that the Quality Assurance and divisioanl policies are implemented, understood and maintained at all levels in the Divisions, namely:
- development and implementation of the Quality Management System to ensure compliance with AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015;
- overseeing the performance and ongoing maintenance of the Quality Management System;
- reviewing the organisational relationships as they affect quality and developing proposals for improvement;
- monitoring the QMS by auditing to determine compliance with the requirements of AS/NZS ISO9001:2015 and reporting the performance to Senior Management;
- resolving all matters associated with quality in the Divisions;
- identifying ways and means of improving the QMS and proposing changes to management; and
- liaising with the customer to ensure that actual or potential quality problems are resolved.
Surveillance of the Division’s System Certification is conducted by independent auditors qualified in inspecting, verifying and testing to ensure the Division's systems and services are compliant with regulations and standards. This certification is reviewed annually against Australian Standards, in the context of the QA manual. All QA findings, suggestions and complaints are followed through.
The ISO 9001:2015 standard strives to give additional momentum to the continuous and systematic improvement of processes within the Divisions. In the near future the Resource and Environmental Regualtion Group will be collaborating to bring the QMS to the Geological Survey and Resource Strategy Division enabling the whole group to be accredited under AS/NZ ISO 9001:2015 and enhancing the services provided to its customers.
Suggestions are welcome
You can make feedback/suggestions via the Departments Feedback and complaints system.