On 31 March 2022, the Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws replaced the health and safety elements of the Mines Safety and Inspection laws. For information visit www.demirs.wa.gov.au/whs
All health and safety notifications, forms and guidance for mining and petroleum has moved to the WorkSafe website
The information below has been left for historical compliance reference purposes

What information is available for families?
Having a family member that works in the resources and construction sectors can be challenging. It often involves them spending a considerable amount of time away from home. A FIFO (fly-in fly-out) arrangement is more common than DIDO (drive-in drive-out), but all families with a parent who works away face challenges and opportunities.
FIFO work usually provides families with an opportunity for employment without having to relocate. This allows for the remaining members of the family to maintain their familiar schools and services as well as their social networks.
However, studies have shown that social support, distributing parenting responsibilities, and preserving an emotional presence within the family unit are of concern to some FIFO families.
The effects on families of a parent working away vary according to the length, predictability, and frequency of shifts. It can be useful to know what support and resources are available.
Resources available
Mates in Construction
Mates in Construction is a charity organisation that aims to deliver strategic, evidence based suicide prevention and mental health programs to the construction industry.
- Mates in Construction - For suicide prevention assistance through community development programs on construction sites, and a 24-hour helpline.
Mates in Mining
Mates in Mining is a charity organisation that aims to reduce suicide among Australian mine workers and foster ownership and control of suicide prevention in the Australian mining industry.
- Mates in Mining - For suicide prevention assistance through community development programs on mine sites, and a 24-hour helpline.
Mining Family Matters
Mining Family Matters is an online community for mining families offering friendship, advice and professional support to families coping with the pressures of FIFO work rosters or life in isolated rural communities.
- Working Away: A Survival Guide for Families - This guide features professional advice and practical tips for boosting emotional resilience, keeping relationships healthy and families happy.
Think Mental Health
Think Mental Health is an online resource from the WA Mental Health Commission, that provides information on how to maintain mental health and wellbeing, provides information on what you can do when things aren’t going so well and where to get help when it is needed.
- Think Mental Health - For a directory of mental health resources, helplines and other services available.
This FIFO Life
This FIFO Life is an online community and support group for FIFO workers and their families. The website offers advice on navigating FIFO work, relationships, finances, and mental and physical health.
- Families and Mates - For more information on how to manage various aspects of daily life in the absence of your loved one, refer to This FIFO Life’s Families and Mates section.