Frequently Asked Questions

This artwork depicts the Aboriginal Empowerment Unit’s journey.
This design element depicts the Aboriginal Empowerment Unit’s journey.

Q: What can I contact the Aboriginal Empowerment Unit for?

A: The Aboriginal Empowerment Unit (AEU) can provide key contacts or support in navigating and understanding department systems and processes, as well as provide assistance and guidance when navigating the DEMIRS website.

The AEU provides an avenue for community to raise any cultural concerns or questions about the DEMIRS website, documents, policies or guidelines.  

We also provide assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses to be established as a supplier for government, in line with the DEMIRS Aboriginal Procurement Policy.

Q: Can you help me with my Native Title issues including providing mediation services between Aboriginal people and mining companies?

A: There are a number of resources that can assist you with Native Title related matters:

  • Department of Premier and Cabinet for statewide matters relating to Native Title

  • National Native Title Tribunal  (NNTT)

  • DEMIRS Resource Access and Resource Tenure branches coordinate mineral and petroleum tenure applications.

The AEU can provide assistance in navigating these government websites to help you identify and contact the relevant office(s). If a DEMIRS team member can assist, the AEU can provide contact details for the officer managing your specific matter.

Q: Can you provide guidance on the Aboriginal Heritage Act?

A: The Aboriginal Heritage Act is administered by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage who can be contacted by an online enquiry form on their website or contacting 08 6551 8002.

Q: Can you provide us with community grants (art, business etc)?

A: The AEU can assist you with registering on the Aboriginal Business Directory WA, so you can research available grants.