Geophysical datasets have been collected, processed and interpreted from the region between Kalgoorlie, Kambalda and Norseman. This experiment will research whether there is a distinctive crustal-scale geophysical signature of the mineral systems in this area, which is notable for its numerous, large and well-endowed mineral (gold and nickel) deposits. The identification of a geophysical signature for mineral systems will be very useful for identifying other regions with as yet undiscovered deposits. A passive seismic and long–period MT campaign recorded data along the trace of the EGF1 deep reflection seismic line of 1991. Additional long–period MT data were collected in a grid with stations spaced between 20km to 60km apart over the area. More recently, a closely spaced broadband MT survey was collected as part of the Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS). This survey included 125 stations with a nominal station spacing of 5km. Final interpreted results aim to establish the broad geological context of mineralized systems within the Eastern Goldfields and ascertain the location and nature of major crustal-scale faults. The acquisition of both long–period and broadband MT data within this region is unique, allowing for electrical resistivity variations to be interpreted from the near surface to 100s of kilometers depth.
This project is carried out in collaboration with the Centre for Exploration Targeting at The University of Western Australia.
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