GSWA style guides

GSWA style guides

Preparing manuscripts

These style guides are relevant to both authors and editors for the preparation of manuscripts.

Guide to Citavi - 1454 Kb

Citavi 6 automatically manages, formats and updates the reference list of MS Word documents.

Working with styles in ms template - 1712 Kb

Working with styles in ms template

Use and reporting of geochronology - 1013 Kb

Use and reporting of geochronology

Tips for scientific writing - 229 Kb

Tips for scientific writing

Spelling and house style 2023 - 891 Kb

Spelling and house style 2023

Preparing manuscripts - 243 Kb

Preparing manuscripts

Preparing graphics for manuscripts - 768 Kb

Preparing graphics for manuscripts

Mineral names and abbreviations - 107 Kb

Mineral names and abbreviations

GSWA manuscript template - 69 Kb

GSWA manuscript template

Guide to referencing - 941 Kb

Full and accurate acknowledgement of sources referred to during research is an essential part of publishing scientific work.

Graphics Manual - 3209 Kb

Graphics Manual

Glossary of publishing terms - 134 Kb

Glossary of publishing terms

Acronyms and abbreviations - () Kb

Acronyms and abbreviations

Preparing maps

These documents outline the process and steps for editing maps.

Geologic map symbology - 882 Kb

Geologic map symbology

Guide to editing maps - 17774 Kb

Guide to editing maps

Editing guidelines

These documents provide general editing guidelines useful for editing GSWA products.

Proofreading checklist - 137 Kb

Proofreading checklist

Editing checklist - 244 Kb

Editing checklist

Guide to editing digital products - 1886 Kb

Guide to editing digital products

Editing and proofreading manuscripts - 230 Kb

Editing and proofreading manuscripts

Explanatory Notes System (ENS)

The Explanatory Notes System (ENS) is a digital repository of detailed unit descriptions that integrates stratigraphic relationships with links to all tectonic units and events recognised in Western Australia. The system allows incremental updates for new data and refined interpretations, providing a seamless, up-to-date summary of the geology of Western Australia.

Style sheet for writing and editing ENS - 566 Kb

Style sheet for writing and editing ENS

Geochronology entries in ENS - 520 Kb

Geochronology entries in ENS

Editor’s toolbox

The GSWA editor’s toolbox contains all guides relevant to editors for GSWA products.

Extra resources


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