The original Mount Brockman Syncline model was built as an exercise in 3D modelling using the 3D GeoModeller software by Intrepid Geophysics (2006). The Mount Brockman Syncline, 2006: 3D Geomodel was added to the Geological Survey Resource Strategy Division archive and with access available as a GeoModeller or GOCAD project and also for viewing in Geoscience Analyst. The model contains both 3D and 2D geoscientific data that have subsequently been built on in a publication by Paterson et al. (2017), which further expand the geophysical modelling by including electromagnetic methods. Themes vary between 3D and 2D, with the emphasis on implicit 3D modelling at 1:100 000 scale, while 2D data support context for the region and show extensive aerial data on which the model is based. The 3D dataset has been compiled using information collected from field notes, 2D geological map data, and drillhole data. Originally the model was compiled using data that the mining leaseholder, Rio Tinto, had made publically available.
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