DMP to consult with stakeholders over safety and environmental improvements
Date: | Tuesday, 29 March 2016 |
Proposed rehabilitation works at the former Black Diamond mine site to improve the public safety and surrounding environment at the site have been unveiled by Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP).
Located within the Allanson town site boundary in the Shire of Collie, approximately 5km west of Collie, the former coal mine site filled with water after mining operations ceased in the 1950s creating a pit lake.
Over the years the local community have raised a number of concerns about the site in relation to incidents of anti-social behaviour, unauthorised camping, illegal dumping and the poor water quality of the lake.
Plans are now in place to carry out works to make the legacy site safe and stable.
DMP Executive Director Dr Phil Gorey said the department would now consult with stakeholders over the rehabilitation plans to achieve positive results.
"The implementation of the Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF) and the release of the Abandoned Mine Policy have provided a dedicated source of funding and a process to rehabilitate the State’s historical abandoned mines," Dr Gorey said.
"Because of the ongoing community concern at Black Diamond, the site has been selected as a pilot site for the Abandoned Mines Program, using funds from the Western Australian Government’s pioneering MRF initiative.
"Prior to undertaking any works to manage the safety and environmental hazards at the site, DMP will undertake extensive consultation in an effort to develop a site solution that meets the needs of the community."
DMP has now started inviting key stakeholders including members of regulatory bodies, interested groups and community representatives to become members of the Black Diamond Working Group.
The Working Group will provide advice to DMP over the proposed works and will meet monthly, with the first meeting planned to take place in April.
Community workshops will also be held in Collie over the coming months to consult with the public over the proposed rehabilitation works.
These workshops will include presentations and open forums and will enable the local community share their thoughts on the project.
"The focus of the proposed work will be addressing the safety risks associated with the steep pit wall on the southern side of the pit," Dr Gorey said.
"Any other proposed works to ensure the site is safe and stable will be subject to the outcomes from the site assessment and consultation process taking place over the coming months."
DMP’s plans for 'Improving Community safety at the Black Diamond Pit Lake' are now available to view on the department’s website.