Gun owners guide to safe ammunition handling

DMP has released a new safety flyer outlining safe storage and handling of black powder, propellant powder and ammunition for licensed gun owners.
Date: Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Licensed gun owners should always handle, store and transport black powder, propellant powder and ammunition securely and safely.

Department of Mines and Petroleum's Director Dangerous Goods and Petroleum Safety Ross Stidolph said an information campaign had been launched highlighting important safety steps for storage, handling and transportation, as well as the legal quantities allowed to be stored and transported by licensed gun owners.

"Licensed gun owners are authorised to possess ammunition under the Firearms Act 1973," Mr Stidolph said.

"While owners do not require dangerous goods explosive licences for exempt quantities of black powder, propellant powder and ammunition, there is a requirement under dangerous goods legislation to store, handle and transport these goods safely and securely at all times."

Mr Stidolph said the information developed gives important safety requirements and guidance for licensed gun owners.

"The department also has a team of Dangerous Goods officers that can provide further information and advice to licensed gun owners."

Further information is available from the department’s website and free hard copies are available on request by downloading the order form and sending it to