New payment system launched

DMP has launched a new payment system for Mineral Titles Annual Rent renewals and Petroleum fees.
Date: Wednesday, 03 August 2016

The Department of Mines and Petroleum has launched a new payment system providing customers with a quicker and easier method of paying single invoices for Mineral Titles Annual Rent renewals and Petroleum fees.

The introduction of this new payment system means that customers no longer have to log into the Mineral Titles Online or the Petroleum Geothermal Register to make single invoice payments.

To use this payment system, customers can simply navigate to the 'Payments' Quicklink on the DMP website homepage, enter the reference number in the payments text box and proceed to their payment.

Payments are made using credit card, with a payment limit of $99,999.

Initially the system will only apply to single tenement payments by credit card. However, multiple tenement payments will be available in the future.

This initiative is part of a number of online reforms rolled out over the past 12 months to improve processing timelines, cut red tape and speed up applications and transactions for customers.

The reforms provide around the clock access to payment and application lodgement systems, giving customers greater flexibility, and help deliver a faster and more seamless customer experience.

For more information about using the new payment system please contact the DMP service desk by calling 9222 0777 or emailing