See Dangerous goods safety – guidance for more information.
Information sheets and pamphlets
Human factors: Usable procedures - Information sheet - 440 Kb
This document provides guidance to assist operators in developing accurate and usable
Dangerous goods safety information sheet - Differences between the WA Dangerous Goods Safety - 221 Kb
Differences between the WA Dangerous Goods Safety (Road and Rail Transport of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 and the national Model Subordinate Instrument.
Dangerous Goods - Summary of changes in edition 7.7 of the ADG Code - 295 Kb
Information sheet describing changes in the Australian Dangerous Goods Code Version 7.7
Safe storage and transport of ammonium nitrate - 401 Kb
This pamphlet describes how to safely store and transport ammonium nitrate
Safe use of ceremonial cracker chains - pamphlet - 966 Kb
This pamphlet will assist persons licenced to use cracker chains, local authorities and the police to understand the regulatory requirements and safe use of ceremonial cracker chains in WA.
Dangerous goods waste - safe storage and handling of dangerous goods in the waste industry - 1548 Kb
This information sheet advises the Waste Industry about the correct storage and proper handling of dangerous goods
Flammable refrigerant gases position paper - information sheet - 1304 Kb
Provides information on the obligations of work health and safety duty holders with respect to the use of flammable refrigerant gases at workplaces.
Security sensitive ammonium nitrate (SSAN) waste - information sheet - 173 Kb
This information sheet provides information on the safety, security and regulatory requirements of security sensitive ammonium nitrate (SSAN) waste.
Dangerous Goods Safety Regulations Amendment Regulations 2018 – information sheet - 458 Kb
This information sheet summarises the amendments to the Dangerous Goods Safety (Explosives)Regulations 2007 and the Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 that took effect on 21 March 2018.
Construction of explosives and ammonium nitrate facilities at the McLarty State Explosives Facility
Driving record suitability for dangerous goods and explosives driver licences - information sheet - 280 Kb
Information on your driving record eligibility prior to applying for an explosive licence.
Beyond the gate - site responsibilities for transporting dangerous goods - pamphlet - 1337 Kb
Information for sites on their responsibilities to ensure dangerous goods are transported safely from their facilities.
Safe storage and handling of dangerous goods on farms - pamphlet - 1024 Kb
Handy tips on how to store and handle dangerous goods on farms safely.
Authorised explosives register - list - 963 Kb
Provides a register of the authorised explosives in Western Australia
Black powder, propellant powder and ammunition for licensed gun owners - pamphlet - 754 Kb
This pamphlet provides licensed gun owners with information on the requirements for black powder, propellant powder and ammunition
Dangerous goods transport training providers - 147 Kb
Approved training providers.
Licensing requirements for the storage and transport of dangerous goods in WA - information sheet - 389 Kb
This information sheet covers the guidance material and legislative references provide details of quantity limits, exemptions and other requirements. It is recommended that this information is reviewed when assessing whether a licence is required.
Training requirements for shotfiring licences - information sheet - 52 Kb
This information sheet outlines the training requirements for obtaining or renewing a shotfiring licence in Western Australia.
Driving record contact details - list - 233 Kb
Driving record contact details for Australian States and Territories and New Zealand.
Overview of storage and handling regulations - information sheet - 492 Kb
This document is for guidance only and the definitive statutory requirements are contained in the Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-Explosives) Regulations 2007 (the Storage and Handling Regulations).
Fireworks contractor licence - general information - 87 Kb
The following information is to guide you on the requirements for applying for and renewing fireworks contractor licences.
Overview of the explosives manufacture approval process - information sheet - 156 Kb
The manufacture of explosives often involves multiple activities, such as testing, storage, manufacture, and supply or export of explosives, security risk substances or dangerous goods.
Frequently asked questions on Western Australia's explosives storage facilities - information sheet - 1007 Kb
This information sheet outlines the frequently asked questions on Western Australia's explosives storage facilities.
Dangerous goods accredited consultants list - 200 Kb
WA Dangerous Goods Accredited Consultants
Competency for fireworks operator licence - information sheet - 100 Kb
A fireworks operator licence states the types and/or size of fireworks that may be initiated appropriate to the level of knowledge and practical experience previously gained.
This information sheet explains the requirements in the Dangerous Goods Safety (Road and Rail Transport of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 (Transport Regulations) for the design approvals of bulk containers.
Approved emergency responders - list - 117 Kb
The following information is a list of Approved Emergency Responders
Dangerous Goods Safety (Security Sensitive Ammonium Nitrate) Regulations 2007 - information sheet - 265 Kb
This information sheet explains the main amendments in effect from 1 January 2014 under the Dangerous Goods Safety (Explosives) Regulations 2007 (Explosives Regulations) and Dangerous Goods Safety (Security Sensitive Ammonium Nitrate) Regulations 2007.
Frequently asked questions on legal professional privilege - information sheet - 1267 Kb
Legal professional privilege (LPP) is a privilege claimed by a client to withhold information or documents that would reveal confidential communications between lawyer and client.
Overview of regulatory requirements for dangerous goods and explosives in ports - information sheet - 211 Kb
This information sheets explains the regulatory requirements in place from 1 January 2014 for dangerous goods and explosives being stored and handled at ports.
Recognised shotfirer training course providers - list - 139 Kb
The following information sheet lists only those training course providers that are accredited to deliver national units of competency for blasting (RIIBLA).
Is it hazardous or dangerous? - information sheet - 157 Kb
Hazardous substances are those that, following exposure, can have an adverse effect on health. Examples of hazardous substances include poisons, substances that cause burns or skin and eye irritation, and substances that may cause cancer.
Abandoned and unwanted explosives and flares - pamphlet - 1447 Kb
This pamphlet provides information on commercial blasting explosives and other explosives, such as fireworks, railway track signals and marine distress flares.
Meaning of ‘controlled by the other person’ for security purposes - information sheet - 232 Kb
This information sheet covers many of the licences with activities involving explosives and security sensitive ammonium nitrate that require the possession of a valid dangerous goods security card.
Pyrotechnics special use licence - general information - 129 Kb
The following information is to guide you on the requirements for applying for and renewing pyrotechnics (special use) licences.
Fireworks operator licence - general information - 60 Kb
The following information is to guide you on the requirements for applying for and renewing fireworks operator licences.
Requirements for commercial transport of explosives - information sheet - 112 Kb
This information sheet summarises the key explosives transport requirements.
Overview of explosives regulations - information sheet - 267 Kb
This document is for guidance only and the definitive statutory requirements are contained in the Dangerous Goods Safety (Explosives) Regulations 2007 (the Explosives Regulations).
Security requirements for the management of explosives - information sheet - 119 Kb
This information sheet summarises the applicable requirements and guidance for key issues in the security management of explosives under the Dangerous Goods Safety (Explosives) Regulations 2007 (Explosives Regulations).
Transport of explosives in underground mines - information sheet - 53 Kb
This document sets out the critical issues to consider and how they should be approached. Further information on explosives transport on mines is available in Resources Safety’s Transport of explosives on roads and at mines - guidance note.
Overview of security sensitive ammonium nitrate regulations - information sheet - 289 Kb
This document is for guidance only and the definitive statutory requirements are contained in the Dangerous Goods Safety (Security Sensitive Ammonium Nitrate) Regulations 2007.
Emergency planning for licensed dangerous goods sites - information sheet - 376 Kb
This information sheet explains the updated emergency planning provisions in effect from 1 January 2014 following amendment of the Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 (Storage and Handling Regulations).
Amendments to the Storage and Handling Regulations (effective 1 January 2014) - information sheet - 120 Kb
This information sheet explains the main amendments in effect from 1 January 2014 under the Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 (Storage and Handling Regulations)
This information sheet overviews how the determination and exemptions apply in Western Australia for the transport of UN 3077 mineral concentrates, the Chief Dangerous Goods Officer has issued.
Dangerous goods driver training package - information sheet - 99 Kb
This information sheet outlines the requirements for registered training organisations (RTO) to apply for an approval to conduct training of the national unit of competency TLILIC0001 Preparation to transport dangerous goods by road.