Applying for approval of responders to dangerous goods transport emergencies

What does an approved emergency responder do?

What does an approved emergency responder do

An approved emergency responder controls and undertakes the clean-up response in the event of an incident during dangerous goods transport activities. It is a legal requirement when transporting placard loads to either be an approved emergency responder or have engaged one.

Emergency responders are approved by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety’s Chief Dangerous Goods Officer after demonstrating compliance with the essential requirements regarding emergency response to a particular dangerous good or class or division of dangerous goods.

Who can apply?

A company can apply to be an approved emergency responder for their own transport of dangerous goods or to supply a service to clients. Prospective emergency responders must be able to respond to emergencies at any location within Western Australia where the client company transport dangerous goods.

It is an offence for a person who is a prime contractor or rail operator to transport a placard load of dangerous goods without being an approved emergency responder or having a contract with one.

Becoming an approved emergency responder

A formal application to become an approved emergency responder is required to be completed and submitted to the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety for assessment by a Dangerous Goods Officer. The application form and supporting documentation are required to demonstrate the applicant has the capacity to respond to any dangerous goods transport incident for which approval is sought.

Prospective responders must demonstrate that they have the relevant experience and safety systems in place as outlined in the application form and guide.

Application for approval of responders to emergencies - 80 Kb

This form or template is required to apply for an approval of responders to emergencies.

Approval of responders to dangerous goods emergencies - guide - 458 Kb

This document outlines how a company can become an approved “emergency responder” in Western Australia.

Contact an approved emergency responder

Existing approved emergency responders with the capacity to respond to other clients can be viewed in the list below.

Approved emergency responders - list - 117 Kb

The following information is a list of Approved Emergency Responders


For any enquiries please contact Dangerous Goods Licensing
Phone: (08) 6251 2300