Mining Development and Closure Proposals

Mining Development and Closure Proposals (MDCPs) are being introduced as a key feature of the Mining Amendment Act 2022 (Amendment Act), which is expected to commence in April/May 2025.

Once the Amendment Act comes into effect, submitting a MDCP will replace the requirement to provide a Mining Proposal and Mine Closure Plan at the project approval stage, reducing duplication and resulting in streamlined decision-making.

The department has prepared the following documents in consultation with industry to assist proponents in developing a MDCP.

The Environmental Objectives Policy for Mining has also been updated to align with the Environmental Protection Authority’s environmental factors and objectives. This ensures there is consistency across government, further reducing duplication for environmental assessments. 

Please note: If a proponent is seeking approval prior to the Amendment Act commencing in April/May 2025, a Mining Proposal and Mining Closure Plan must still be submitted. The Mining Development and Closure Proposal and Approvals Statement Framework document contains important information on the transition arrangements for a variety of scenarios.

Submitting a MDCP

The commencement of the Amendment Act and subsequent introduction of MDCPs will coincide with the second release of Resources Online, the department’s new and secure digital platform for submitting resource environmental applications.

MDCPs will be submitted through Resources Online once the Amendment Act comes into force in April/May 2025.

Mine Closure Plans

An updated Mine Closure Plan (MCP) Guideline that aligns with the new framework is expected to be released in January 2025.

While a standalone MCP will no longer be required at the project approval stage under the new framework, they will still be required during the life of a mining operation and will function as an important planning tool to demonstrate an operation is tracking towards successful closure.

These revised guidelines will not take effect until commencement of the Amendment Act (April/May 2025). MCPs due prior to this date must meet the current MCP guidelines.

The department will contact operations whose MCP revisions are due from the date of commencement onwards to ensure there is sufficient time for their document to meet the requirements of the updated guidelines.

Small mining operations  

An updated Small Mining Operations Form that aligns with the new framework and supporting policy document is expected to be released January 2025.

Useful resources

MDCP scoping document template - 184 Kb

Word version of the MDCP scoping document template

Mining Development and Closure Proposal tables - 178 Kb

Word version of relevant tables to assist with the preparation of an MDCP

DEMIRS risk assessment template - 114 Kb

Excel Template of DEMIRS standardised risk register and risk assessment framework