The Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) releases special publications that highlight geological work in specific parts of Western Australia or have a geological focus that non-geological audiences may find interesting. These publications are published as hardcopy premium products for the benefit of the geological community and other interested parties.
The hardcopies are printed in limited numbers but all are available on the department’s eBookshop as a free download.
Devonian reef complexes The Devonian reef complexes of the Canning Basin form a spectacular belt of rugged limestone ranges that extend for some 350 kilometres.
The geology of Shark Bay The natural attributes of the area are of major international importance, hence its designation as a World Heritage Area.
Gemstones of Western Australia second edition This book is an in-depth resource on gemstones and decorative stones extracted in the State and used in jewellery and ornamental sculpture.
Discovery trails to early Earth The east Pilbara region has one of Earth’s best-preserved remnants of ancient crust more than 3.5 billion years old.
Geology and landforms of the Perth region The Perth region has coastal landscapes, river-valley landscapes, and forested hilly landscapes that reflect the diverse geology beneath.
Geology of Rottnest Island The geology of Rottnest Island tells a visible story of changes in sea-level and the coastal environment over the past ~150 000 years.
Graphite in Western Australia Western Australia has numerous recorded graphite prospects and occurrences.
The birth of supercontinents The Proterozoic Eon — between 2500 and 541 million years from the present (Ma) — spans nearly two billion years of Earth’s history.
Australia goes it alone This book covers the geology of Western Australia for the period from 100 million years to the present.
A Paleozoic perspective of Western Australia Paleozoic (from Cambrian to Permian) rocks are preserved across 30% of Western Australia.
Mesozoic transformation of Western Australia: rifting and breakup of Gondwana This book aims to provide an introduction to the State’s Mesozoic geology and mineral potential.
Handbook for the study and description of microbialites This handbook provides a comprehensive guide to the methods and terminology used to describe and interpret fossil and recent microbialites.