Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) 2
- Golden Gecko Award - Submission Form
- Google KML format: January Tenements GDA2020
- Map Info TAB file format: January Tenements GDA2020
- ESRI Shapefile format: January Tenements GDA2020
- ESRI File Geodatabase format: January Tenements GDA2020
Publication - Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS)
GSWA- Maps, Posters, Cross Sections
- Open Day Program 2024
- GS85 GSOD Post Event Report 2023
- Perth Basin shows and fields
- Open Day Program 2023 Program Overview Draft
- GSWA Southwest seismic flyer
- HyLogger workshop on Thursday 2 February 2023 - register now!
- Geoscience Strategy May 2022
- AGP Biostratigraphy data, Phanerozoic and Neoproterozoic basins of Western Australia
- AGP Western Australian Moho, 2021
- AGP Multi-scale edges for Western Australia from gravity and magnetics
- AGP Zircon Lutetium-hafnium isotope map of Western Australia
- AGP Samarium-neodymium isotope map of Western Australia
- AGP McNaughton Legacy SHRIMP Mount Collection
- Open Day Program 2021
- AGP Abstract Multiscale edges raster
- AGP Abstract CM Multiscale edges
- AGP Well correlations
- AGP Routine core analysis data
- AGP RockEval pyrolysis TOC
- AGP Mud logs from petroleum wells
- AGP Hydrocarbon distribution petroleum composition
- AGP Hydrocarbon distribution oil and gas shows
- AGP Hydrocarbon distribution oil and gas fields
- AGP Core images from petroleum wells
- AGP Composite well logs from petroleum wells
- AGP Abstract Metamorphic evolution SWY
- Composite well logs from petroleum wells, Phanerozoic and Neoproterozoic basins of Western Australia
- Core images from petroleum wells, Phanerozoic and Neoproterozoic basins of Western Australia
- Mud logs from petroleum wells, Phanerozoic and Neoproterozoic basins of Western Australia
- Well correlations, Phanerozoic and Neoproterozoic basins of Western Australia
- Regional salt maps (two-way time, depth, isopach and two-way time thickness maps), Phanerozoic and Neoproterozoic basins of Western Australia
- Pre –Mesozoic interpreted bedrock geology of the southwest Yilgarn, 2021
- 1:100 000 regolith geology regimes of Western Australia
- Mean soil sample geochemical data
- Maximum grade in-hole drilling data
- 1:2 500 000 major crustal boundaries of Western Australia
- HyLogger workshop 20 May 2021
- GSWA editor's toolbox
- Southwest Yilgarn Moho, 2021
- Southwest Yilgarn earthquakes 1940–2020
- Peak ground acceleration map, Southwest Yilgarn
- Neotectonic fault scarps of the Southwest Yilgarn
- East Yilgarn earthquakes 1940–2020
- Neotectonic fault scarps of the east Yilgarn
- East Yilgarn Moho, 2021
- AGP Samarium neodymium isotope
- AGP Zircon oxygen isotope map
- AGP Subsurface structure maps
- AGP Selected mineralization sites
- AGP SEEBASE layers 2020
GSWA- Guidelines/ Reports/ Applications
- Petrophysical cross plots coloured by stratigraphic formation
- Drillcore locations sampled for petrophysics
- Guidelines for the Submission Delivery of Mineral Drillcore 2024
- EAP - Guidelines S7 Co-funded EAP ANALYSIS AND REPROCESSING 2024-2025
- Co-funded Drilling Tips for Successful Applications
- Final report template S7 EAP - GEOPHYSICS ACQUISITION 2024-2025
- Funding agreement S7 Co-funded EAP GEOPHYSICS ACQUISITION - 16-11-2023
- Final report template S7 EAP - ANALYSIS AND REPROCESSING 2024-2025
- Funding Agreement S7 - Co-funded EAP - ANALYSIS AND REPROCESSING 16-11-2023
- Guidelines S7 Co-funded EAP GEOPHYSICS ACQUISITION - 16-11-2023
- Co-funded Geophysics Program Funding Agreement
- Co-funded Geophysics Program Guidelines
- R28 drilling current successful applicants
- EAP Previous Successful applicants S1-5
- EAP Current successful applicants
- Drilling Previous successful applicants 1-27
- Northern Carnarvon Basin shows and fields
- GSWA Tenement Owner Agreement CGP
- Co-funded Geophysics Program Guidelines
- Guidelines for Submission of Energy Analysis Applications 2023 24 S6
- EIS Economic Impact report 10 years
- Release Area 1 shp file
- Venture 1 Release Area
- Previous successful applicants
- Current projects
- Report template 2023-2024 S6
- EIS EAP Funding Agreement 2023-24 S6
- EAP Guidelines for Submission of Applications 2023-24 S6
- Previous successful applicants
- Round 27 successful applicants
- Tenement holder agreement
- EIS Funding Agreement
- Guidelines for Submission of Co-funded Drilling Applications R28 2023-24
- HyLogger scanned files
- GSWA Deep Crustal Seismic Info Sheet
- Reporting Mineral Discoveries Minerals of Economic Interest Guidance Note
- Resource Report Applications Guideline
- Mineralisation Report Template
- Supporting Statement Template
- Mineralisation Report Guidelines
- Mineralisation Report Guidelines Response to Submissions
- GSWA Deep Crustal Seismic info sheet
- Stratigraphy - How to use strat terminology
- Core library submission form
- Guidelines for Submission of Applications R27 2023
- EIS Agreement R27 2023
- Earthworks Completion Report
- GeoMap.WA – Cookbook: Work Exercises
- GeoVIEW.WA – Exercise Book
- Guideline for the Development of Petroleum, Geotherman and Pipeline Environment Plans
- Canning Basin petroleum fields and shows
- WaterSmart Farms Prospecting for fractured rock aquifers in the Wheatbelt - Chopping
- WA Array the next statewide dataset - Murdie
- Tenure for emerging industries - Carter
- Sedimentary hosted Cu systems in the Paterson Orogen - Korhonen
- Natural hydrogen indications from onshore Western Australia sedimentary basins - Haines
- Mineral Systems Atlas - Clarke
- Land access and Aboriginal engagement - McMahon
- Is mineral carbonation an option for CO2 mitigation in Western Australia - Beardsmore
- Geoscienc Data Transformation Program - Perry
- Exploration Incentive Scheme - Dent
- CO2 Sequestration in Western Australia - Brooks
- Changing perspective a whole of lithosphere approach to mineral discovery - Begg
- Are we doing enough - Roocke
- Smart exploration starts with Western Australia’s rich data endowment: MINEDEX, WAMEX and WAPIMS
- Tectonic setting and exploration potential of the northern Capricorn Orogen
- MRIWA: leading impactful research, meaningful collaboration and effective knowledge transfer
- A subduction origin for 2820–2735 Ma magmatism in the western Youanmi Terrane, Yilgarn Craton
- Exploring the link between a suture zone, an ophiolite and a seahorse
- The last gasp of King Leopold: new insights into the evolution of the West Kimberley
- Rare-element pegmatites in the Mineral Systems Atlas
- AusAEM20-WA project
- Managing an abandoned mine as a future resource
- Eastern Goldfields high-resolution seismic survey
- Loop 3D geological modelling
- World's oldest regional salt seal in the Amadeus and Officer Basins
- Exploring the southwest Canning Basin
- Land use planning
- The next generation of outcrop: MinEx CRC and the National Drilling Initiative in Western Australia
- GSWA in the Goldfields 2017
- Raglan Drilling Geology Lecture Series November 2016
- 10b-Exposing the Eucla basement what separates the Albany–Fraser Orogen and the Gawler Craton - Hugh Smithies
- 10a-Exposing the Eucla basement what separates the Albany–Fraser Orogen and the Gawler Craton - Catherine Spaggiari
- 09-The Murraba Basin another piece of the Centralian Superbasin jigsaw puzzle falls into place - Peter Haines
- 08-Integrated Spectral Mapping of Gold Related Alteration Mineral Footprints, Nanjilgardy Fault - Martin Wells (CSIRO)
- 07-Alteration and age of the Browns Range REE deposits - Sidy Morin Ka
- 06-Human, Machine and Data Innovative Data Analytics for Mineral Explorers - Eun-Jung Holden (CET)
- 05-Integrated Exploration PlatformSoftware Tools for Multidata Visualisation and Integrated Interpretation - Jason Wong (CET)
- 04-Secular change in Archean crust formation recorded in Western Australia - Huaiyu Yuan (CET)
- 03-Fisher East nickel sulfide prospects - Lauren Burley
- 02-Controls on mineral (gold) distribution in the Yilgarn - Stephen Wyche
- 01-The geological map of Western Australia – past, present and future - David Martin
- 3D Geosceince Presentation by Klaus Gessner
- Youanmi/Southern Carnarvon 2013 presentation-Crustal architecture of the Archean Youanmi Terrane Part A: 10GA-YU2
- Youanmi/Southern Carnarvon 2013 presentation- Crustal architecture of the Archean Youanmi Terrane Part B: how does the system work?
- Youanmi/Southern Carnarvon 2013 presentation- Interpretation of magnetic and gravity data across the Southern Carnarvon Basin, and the Narryer and Youanmi terranes
- Youanmi/Southern Carnarvon 2013 presentation- Proterozoic Intrusives —Youanmi Seismic Workshop
- Youanmi/Southern Carnarvon 2013 presentation- Lithospheric structure in the vicinity of the SC1 and YU reflection profiles
- Youanmi/Southern Carnarvon 2013 presentation- Geological interpretation of deep seismic reflection line 11GA-SC1: Narryer Terrance to Southern Carnarvon Basin