Database and online systems training

Database and online systems training
The Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) offers FREE training in its databases and online systems. The training is in the form of a presentation, with hands-on interaction in most systems.

Event Details

Date 16 November 2017
Time 9:30 Start
Venue Goldfields Institute of Technology
Location 34 Cheetham Street, Kalgoorlie

Contact details

Main contact GSWA publications


The Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety offers in-person training in the use of GeoMap.WA, GeoVIEW.WA, Mineral Titles Online (MTO), TENGRAPH Web, Mines and Mineral Deposits (MINEDEX), Mineral exploration reports (WAMEX), Exploration drilling and surface geochemistry database (Drillholes) systems, and the Western Australian Petroleum and Geothermal Information Management System (WAPIMS). Online resources are also available including the new Interactive User Guide demonstrating video tutorials on navigating the site.

Attendees should have proficient computer skills and know how to do the following in GeoVIEW.WA and TENGRAPH Web:

  • Identify
  • Zoom in/out
  • Turn on layers
  • Add drawings and measurements on the map
  • Do a simple search
  • Create a printout of the map
  • Add coordinate readouts

The training room is equipped with desktop computers – you will need to have proficient computer skills. You are welcome to bring your own device if you want to run through specific examples.

Kalgoorlie sessions

Due to COVID-19 restrictions on the number of participants allowed in a training room and the availability of computers, we have cancelled the Kalgoorlie database training session scheduled for 29 September 2020.

Please subscribe to our eNewsletter for updates as we will be looking at possible video alternatives in the future.